SYNOPSIS use Data::Sah::Util::Subschema qw(extract_subschemas) my $subschemas = extract_subschemas([array => of=>"int*"]); # => ("int*") $subschemas = extract_subschemas([any => of=>["int*", [array => of=>"int"]]]); # => ("int*", [array => of=>"int"], "int") DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONS extract_subschemas([ \%opts, ] $sch) => list Extract all subschemas found inside Sah schema $sch. Schema will be normalized first, then schemas from all clauses which contains subschemas will be collected recursively. Known options: * schema_is_normalized => bool (default: 0) When set to true, function will skip normalizing schema and assume input schema is normalized. SEE ALSO Sah, Data::Sah