DESCRIPTION This module defines a simple format to let you store and read parts from data section. The distribution also comes with a reader (see Data::Section::Seekable::Reader) and a writer/generator (see Data::Section::Seekable::Writer). Like Data::Section, the format allows you to store multiple parts in data section. This module's format is different from Data::Section's and is meant to allow seeking to any random content part just by reading the index/"table of content" part of the data section. FORMAT First line of data section is the header line and must be: Data::Section::Seekable v1 After the header line, comes one or more TOC ("table of content") lines. Each TOC line must match: ([^,]+),(\d+),(\d+) The first field is the name, the second field is the offset, the third field is the length. Offset starts from 0 and the zero is counted from after the blank line after the last TOC line. After the last TOC line is a blank line. And after that is content. Example: Data::Section::Seekable v1 part1,0,14 part2,14,17 This is part1 This is part two SEE ALSO Data::Section