NAME DateTime::Format::Alami - Parse human date/time expression (base class) VERSION This document describes version 0.01 of DateTime::Format::Alami (from Perl distribution DateTime-Format-Alami), released on 2014-10-02. SYNOPSIS Use English: use DateTime::Format::Alami::EN; my $parser = DateTime::Format::Alami::EN->new(); my $dt; $dt = $parser->parse_datetime("2 hours 13 minutes from now"); $dt = $parser->parse_datetime("yesterday"); use Indonesian: use DateTime::Format::Alami::ID; my $parser = DateTime::Format::Alami::ID->new(); my $dt; $dt = $parser->parse_datetime("5 jam lagi"); $dt = $parser->parse_datetime("hari ini"); DESCRIPTION EARLY RELEASE: PROOF OF CONCEPT ONLY AND VERY VERY INCOMPLETE. This class parses human/natural date/time string and returns DateTime object. Currently it supports English and Indonesian. It is meant to be simple to add support for other human languages. It works by matching date string with a bunch of regex patterns (assembled from "p_*" methods, e.g. "p_today", "p_dur_ago", "p_dur_later", and so on). If a pattern is found, the corresponding "a_*" method is called to compute the DateTime object (e.g. if "p_today" pattern matches, "a_today" is called). To actually use this class, you must use one of its subclasses for each human language that you want to parse. There are already some other DateTime human language parsers on CPAN and elsewhere, see "SEE ALSO". ADDING A NEW HUMAN LANGUAGE TBD METHODS new => obj Constructor. You actually must instantiate subclass instead. parse_datetime($str) => obj Parse date/time expression in $str and return DateTime object. Return undef if expression cannot be parsed. SEE ALSO Similar modules on CPAN DateTime::Format::Natural. Translating to a language other than English looks very complex. This is indicated by the lack of support for non-English languages. Other modules on CPAN DateTime::Format::Human deals with formatting and not parsing. Similar non-Perl libraries Natt Java library, which the last time I tried sometimes gives weird answer, e.g. "32 Oct" becomes 1 Oct in the far future. Duckling Clojure library, which can parse date/time as well as numbers with some other units like temperature. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.