SYNOPSIS In dist.ini: [Acme::CPANLists::Blacklist] module_list=PERLANCAR::Modules I'm avoiding During build, if there is a prereq to a module listed in the above list, the build process will be aborted. DESCRIPTION Acme::CPANLists::* modules contains various author lists and module lists. With this plugin, you can specify a blacklist to modules in those lists. If you specify a module list, e.g.: module_list=SomeNamespace::some name then a module called Acme::CPANLists::SomeNamespace will be loaded, and some name will be searched inside its @Module_Lists variable. If a list with such name is found, then all modules listed in that list will be added to the blacklist. (Otherwise, an error will be thrown if the list is not found.) To specify more lists, add more module_list= lines. Later in the build, when a prereq is specified against one of the blacklisted modules, an error message will be thrown and the build process aborted. To whitelist a module, list it in the Whitelist configuration in dist.ini: [Acme::CPANLists::Whitelist] module=Log::Any To whitelist more modules, add more module= lines. You can also specify an author list, e.g.: author_list=SomeNamespace::some name in which @Author_Lists variable will be searched instead of @Module_Lists. And local CPAN mirror database (built using lcpan) will be consulted to search the authors for all specified prereqs in the build. Then, if an author is blacklisted, an error message will be thrown and the build process aborted. As with modules, you can also whitelist some authors: [Acme::CPANLists::Whitelist] author=PERLANCAR SEE ALSO Acme::CPANLists Acme::CPANLists::* modules