SYNOPSIS In dist.ini: [InsertCodeOutput] ;make_verbatim=1 In your POD: # CODE: require MyLib; MyLib::gen_stuff("some", "param"); DESCRIPTION This module finds # CODE: ... directives in your POD, evals the specified Perl code while capturing the output using Capture::Tiny's capture_merged (which means STDOUT and STDERR output are both captured), and insert the output to your POD as verbatim paragraph (indented with a whitespace), unless when make_verbatim is set to 0 then it is inserted as-is. If eval fails ($@ is true), build will be aborted. SEE ALSO Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertCodeResult which is similar and uses the same # CODE directive, but instead of inserting output, will insert the result of the code (which can be a reference, in which case will be dumped using Data::Dump). Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertCommandOutput Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertExample