SYNOPSIS In dist.ini: [InsertModulesList] In lib/ ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This distribution contains the following modules: #INSERT_MODULES_LIST ... After build, lib/ will contain: ... =head1 DESCRIPTION This distribution contains the following modules: =over =item * L =item * L =item * L =back ... DESCRIPTION This plugin finds # INSERT_MODULES_LIST directive in your POD/code and replace it with a POD containing list of modules in the distribution. To exclude a module from the generated list, use: # INSERT_MODULES_LIST -Foo::Bar -Baz ... To exclude modules matching a regex, use: # INSERT_MODULES_LIST -/^Foo::Bar::(Helper|Util)/ To only include modules matching a regex, use: Below are the included plugins in this distribution" # INSERT_MODULES_LIST /^Foo::Plugin::/ Excludes and includes can be combined. SEE ALSO Dist::Zilla::Plugin::InsertExecsList