SYNOPSIS In dist.ini: [Sah::Schemas] DESCRIPTION This plugin is to be used when building Sah-Schemas-* distribution. It currently does the following to lib/Sah/Schemas/* .pm files: * It does the following to lib/Sah/Schema/* .pm files: * Check that schema is already normalized Otherwise, the build is aborted. * Set module abstract from the schema's summary * Add a prereq to other Sah::Schema::* module if schema depends on those other schemas * Produce pre-resolved editions of schemas into lib/Sah/SchemaR/* These are useful if a client wants to lookup the base type of a schema wihout having to do any extra resolving. Currently Perinci::Sub::Complete uses this to reduce startup overhead when doing tab completion. SEE ALSO Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Sah::Schemas Sah::Schemas Sah and Data::Sah