DESCRIPTION This module is a reimplementation of Getopt::Long, with less features/configurability. Only the subset which I'm currently using (which I think already serves a lot of common use cases for a lot of people too) is implemented. Only three functions are implemented: GetOptions, GetOptionsFromArray, and Configure. No configuring from use statement. No OO interface. Much much less modes/configuration. No support for POSIXLY_CORRECT. We always do bundling (this is not Getopt::Long's default), we never ignore case (this is not Getopt::Long's default), we always permute, we always autoabbreviate, we always do GNU compatibility (allow --opt=VAL in addition to --opt VAL). Basically currently there's no mode you can configure (although pass_through might be added in the future). No autoversion, no autohelp. No support to configure prefix pattern. Also, this module requires 5.010. So what's good about this module? Slightly less compile time overhead, due to less code. This should not matter for most people. I just like squeezing out milliseconds from startup overhead of my CLI scripts. That's it :-) Sample startup overhead benchmark: # COMMAND: perl devscripts/bench-startup 2>&1 SEE ALSO Getopt::Long