SYNOPSIS use Log::Dispatch::ArrayWithLimits; my $file = Log::Dispatch::ArrayWithLimits( min_level => 'info', array => $ary, # default: [], you can always refer by name e.g. 'My::array' to refer to @My::array max_elems => 100, # defaults unlimited ); $file->log(level => 'info', message => "Your comment\n"); DESCRIPTION This module functions similarly to Log::Dispatch::Array, with a few differences: * only the messages (strings) are stored * allow specifying array variable name (e.g. "My::array" instead of \@My:array) This makes it possible to use in Log::Log4perl configuration, which is a text file. * can apply some limits Currently only max_elems (the maximum number of elements in the array) is available. Future limits will be added. Logging to an in-process array can be useful when debugging/testing, or when you want to let users of your program connect to your program to request viewing the ogs being produced. METHODS new(%args) Constructor. This method takes a hash of parameters. The following options are valid: min_level and max_level (see Log::Dispatch documentation); array (a reference to an array, or if value is string, will be taken as name of array variable; this is so this module can be used/configured e.g. by Log::Log4perl because configuration is specified via a text file), max_elems. log_message(message => STR) Send a message to the appropriate output. Generally this shouldn't be called directly but should be called through the log() method (in LLog::Dispatch::Output>). SEE ALSO Log::Dispatch Log::Dispatch::Array