SYNOPSIS use Log::ger::Plugin SingleLog => ( sub_name => 'log', # optional method_name => 'log', # optional ); use Log::ger; DESCRIPTION The Log::ger way is to create separate log_XXX routine for each level, e.g. log_trace, log_warn, and so on. But sometimes you might want a single log routine that takes $level as the first argument, e.g. instead of: log_warn('blah ...'); or: $log->debug('Blah: %s', $data); you prefer: log('warn', 'blah ...'); or: $log->log('debug', 'Blah: %s', $data); This plugin can create such log routine for you. Caveats: * Slower Using log($level, ...) is a bit slower (extra subroutine call, level parsing, and per-level dispatching). * The individual separate log_XXX subroutines/methods are still installed SEE ALSO Log::ger