DESCRIPTION This module is a fork of Module::List 0.003. It's exactly like Module::List, except for the following differences: * lower startup overhead (with some caveats) It strips the usage of Exporter, IO::Dir, Carp, File::Spec, with the goal of saving a few milliseconds (a casual test on my PC results in 11ms vs 39ms). Path separator is hard-coded as /. * Recognize return_path option Normally the returned hash has undef as the values. With this option set to true, the values will contain the path instead. Useful if you want to collect all the paths, instead of having to use Module::Path or Module::Path::More for each module again. * Recognize all option If set to true and return_path is also set to true, will return all found paths for each module instead of just the first found one. The values of result will be an arrayref containing all found paths. SEE ALSO Module::List