DESCRIPTION This module is a lightweight alternative to Perinci::Access. It has less prerequisites but does fewer things. The things it supports: * Local (in-process) access to Perl modules and functions Currently only call, meta, and list actions are implemented. Variables and other entities are not yet supported. The list action only gathers keys from %SPEC and do not yet list subpackages. * HTTP/HTTPS * HTTP over Unix socket Differences with Perinci::Access: * For network access, uses HTTP::Tiny module family instead of LWP This results in fewer dependencies. * No wrapping, no argument checking For 'pl' or schemeless URL, no wrapping (Perinci::Sub::Wrapper) is done, only normalization (using Perinci::Sub::Normalize). * No transaction or logging support * No support for some schemes This includes: Riap::Simple over pipe/TCP socket. ATTRIBUTES riap_version => float (default: 1.1) METHODS new(%attrs) => obj $pa->request($action, $url, $extra) => hash ADDED RESULT METADATA This class might add the following property/attribute in result metadata: x.hint.result_binary => bool If result's schema type is buf, then this class will set this attribute to true, to give hints to result formatters. SEE ALSO Perinci::Access