NAME Perinci::CmdLine - Rinci/Riap-based command-line application framework VERSION This document describes version 1.33 of Perinci::CmdLine (from Perl distribution Perinci-CmdLine), released on 2014-10-14. SYNOPSIS See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Examples. DESCRIPTION See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual. Screenshots: REQUEST KEYS See also Perinci::CmdLine::Base. Extra stuffs put by this module to the $r hash/stash. * format_options => hash ATTRIBUTES All the attributes of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: log_any_app => BOOL (default: 1) Whether to load Log::Any::App (enable logging output) by default. See "LOGGING" for more details. use_utf8 => BOOL From SHARYANTO::Role::TermAttrs (please see its docs for more details). There are several other attributes added by the role. undo => BOOL (optional, default 0) Whether to enable undo/redo functionality. Some things to note if you intend to use undo: * These common command-line options will be recognized "--undo", "--redo", "--history", "--clear-history". * Transactions will be used "use_tx=>1" will be passed to Perinci::Access, which will cause it to initialize the transaction manager. Riap requests begin_tx and commit_tx will enclose the call request to function. * Called function will need to support transaction and undo Function which does not meet qualifications will refuse to be called. Exception is when subcommand is specified with "undo=>0", where transaction will not be used for that subcommand. For an example of disabling transaction for some subcommands, see "bin/u-trash" in the distribution. undo_dir => STR (optional, default ~/./.undo) Where to put undo data. This is actually the transaction manager's data dir. METHODS All the methods of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: RESULT METADATA All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: ENVIRONMENT All the environment variables that Perinci::CmdLine::Base supports, plus: PERINCI_CMDLINE_COLOR_THEME => STR Can be used to set "color_theme". PROGRESS => BOOL Explicitly turn the progress bar on/off. COLOR => INT Please see SHARYANTO::Role::TermAttrs. UTF8 => BOOL Please see SHARYANTO::Role::TermAttrs. SEE ALSO Perinci, Rinci, Riap. Perinci::CmdLine::Base. Perinci::CmdLine::Lite. Other CPAN modules to write command-line applications: App::Cmd, App::Rad, MooseX::Getopt. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.