SYNOPSIS See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual::Examples. DESCRIPTION See Perinci::CmdLine::Manual. REQUEST KEYS All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: * naked_res => bool Set to true if user specifies --naked-res. ATTRIBUTES All the attributes of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: log => bool (default: 0, or from env) Whether to enable logging. This currently means setting up Log::Any::Adapter to display logging (set in hook_after_parse_argv, so tab completion skips this step). To produce log, you use Log::Any in your code. The default is off. If you set LOG=1 or LOG_LEVEL or TRACE/DEBUG/VERBOSE/QUIET, then the default will be on. It defaults to off if you set LOG=0 or LOG_LEVEL=off. log_level => str (default: warning, or from env) Set default log level. The default can also be set via LOG_LEVEL/TRACE/DEBUG/VERBOSE/QUIET. METHODS All the methods of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: ENVIRONMENT All the environment variables that Perinci::CmdLine::Base supports, plus: DEBUG Set log level to 'debug'. VERBOSE Set log level to 'info'. QUIET Set log level to 'error'. TRACE Set log level to 'trace'. LOG_LEVEL Set log level. PROGRESS => BOOL Explicitly turn the progress bar on/off. FORMAT_PRETTY_TABLE_COLUMN_ORDERS => array (json) Set the default of table_column_orders in result_format_options in result metadata, similar to what's implemented in Perinci::Result::Format and Data::Format::Pretty::Console. RESULT METADATA All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: x.hint.result_binary => bool If set to true, then when formatting to text formats, this class won't print any newline to keep the data being printed unmodified. SEE ALSO Perinci::CmdLine, Perinci::CmdLine::Manual Perinci::CmdLine::Any