SYNOPSIS #RENDER_TEMPLATE: file=>"share/templates/synopsis.txt", context=>{module=>"Perinci::CmdLine::Lite"} DESCRIPTION #RENDER_TEMPLATE: file=>"share/templates/description.txt" Perinci::CmdLine::Lite is the default backend implementation. You normally should use Perinci::CmdLine::Any instead to be able to switch backend on the fly. REQUEST KEYS All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: ATTRIBUTES All the attributes of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: log => bool (default: from env or 0) Whether to enable logging. This currently means setting up Log::Any::Adapter to display logging (set in hook_after_parse_argv, so tab completion skips this step). To produce log, you use Log::Any in your code. The default is off. If you set LOG=1 or LOG_LEVEL or TRACE/DEBUG/VERBOSE/QUIET, then the default will be on. It defaults to off if you set LOG=0 or LOG_LEVEL=off. log_level => str (default: from env, or 'warning') Set default log level. The default can also be set via LOG_LEVEL/TRACE/DEBUG/VERBOSE/QUIET. validate_args => bool (default: 1) use_utf8 => bool (default: from env UTF8, or 0) Whether or not to set utf8 flag on output. If undef, will default to UTF8 environment. If that is also undef, will default to 0. METHODS All the methods of Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: ENVIRONMENT All the environment variables that Perinci::CmdLine::Base supports, plus: DEBUG Set log level to 'debug'. VERBOSE Set log level to 'info'. QUIET Set log level to 'error'. TRACE Set log level to 'trace'. LOG_LEVEL Set log level. PROGRESS => BOOL Explicitly turn the progress bar on/off. FORMAT_PRETTY_TABLE_COLUMN_ORDERS => array (json) Set the default of table_column_orders in format_options in result metadata, similar to what's implemented in Perinci::Result::Format and Data::Format::Pretty::Console. UTF8 => bool To set default for use_utf8 attribute. RESULT METADATA All those supported by Perinci::CmdLine::Base, plus: x.hint.result_binary => bool If set to true, then when formatting to text formats, this class won't print any newline to keep the data being printed unmodified. SEE ALSO Perinci::CmdLine::Any Perinci::CmdLine::Classic Perinci::CmdLine::Inline