What are ways to use this Acme::CPANModules module? Aside from reading this Acme::CPANModules module's POD documentation, you can install all the listed modules (entries) using cpanmodules CLI (from App::cpanmodules distribution): % cpanmodules ls-entries ).$ac_name.q( | cpanm -n or Acme::CM::Get: % perl -MAcme::CM::Get=).$ac_name.q( -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n or directly: % perl -MAcme::CPANModules::).$ac_name.q( -E'say $_->{module} for @{ $Acme::CPANModules::).$ac_name.q(::LIST->{entries} }' | cpanm -n ); if ($has_benchmark) { push @pod, q(This Acme::CPANModules module contains benchmark instructions. You can run a benchmark for some/all the modules listed in this Acme::CPANModules module using the bencher CLI (from Bencher distribution): % bencher --cpanmodules-module ).$ac_name.q( ); } push @pod, q(This Acme::CPANModules module also helps L produce a more meaningful result for C command when it comes to finding related modules for the modules listed in this Acme::CPANModules module. ); $self->add_text_to_section( $document, join("", @pod), 'FAQ', { after_section => ['COMPLETION', 'DESCRIPTION'], before_section => ['CONFIGURATION FILE', 'CONFIGURATION FILES'], ignore => 1, }); } $self->log(["Generated POD for '%s'", $filename]); } sub weave_section { my ($self, $document, $input) = @_; my $filename = $input->{filename}; return unless $filename =~ m!^lib/(.+)\.pm$!; my $package = $1; $package =~ s!/!::!g; return unless $package =~ /\AAcme::CPANModules::/; $self->_process_module($document, $input, $package); } 1; # ABSTRACT: Plugin to use when building Acme::CPANModules::* distribution __END__ NAME Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Acme::CPANModules - Plugin to use when building Acme::CPANModules::* distribution VERSION This document describes version 0.007 of Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Acme::CPANModules (from Perl distribution Pod-Weaver-Plugin-Acme-CPANModules), released on 2021-02-18. SYNOPSIS In your weaver.ini: [-Acme::CPANModules] ;entry_description_code = "Website URL: <" . $_->{website_url} . ">\n\n"; DESCRIPTION This plugin is used when building Acme::CPANModules::* distributions. It currently does the following: * Create "MODULES INCLUDED IN THIS ACME::CPANMODULES MODULE" POD section from the list * Mention some modules in See Also section e.g. Acme::CPANModules (the convention/standard), cpanmodules (the CLI tool), etc. CONFIGURATION entry_description_code Optional. Perl code to produce the description POD. If not specified, will use default template for the description POD, i.e. entry's "description" property, plus "rating", "alternative_modules" if available. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO Acme::CPANModules Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Acme::CPANModules AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 by perlancar@cpan.org. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.