NAME Regexp::Pattern - Collection of regexp patterns SPECIFICATION VERSION 0.2.0 VERSION This document describes version 0.2.1 of Regexp::Pattern (from Perl distribution Regexp-Pattern), released on 2018-03-24. SYNOPSIS Subroutine interface: use Regexp::Pattern; # exports re() my $re = re('YouTube::video_id'); say "ID does not look like a YouTube video ID" unless $id =~ /\A$re\z/; # a dynamic pattern (generated on-demand) with generator arguments my $re2 = re('Example::re3', {variant=>"B"}); Hash interface (a la Regexp::Common but simpler with regular/non-magical hash that is only 1-level deep): use Regexp::Pattern 'YouTube::video_id'; say "ID does not look like a YouTube video ID" unless $id =~ /\A$RE{video_id}\z/; # more complex example use Regexp::Pattern ( 're', # we still want the re() function 'Foo::bar' => (-as => 'qux'), # the pattern will be in your $RE{qux} 'YouTube::*', # wildcard import 'Example::re3' => (variant => 'B'), # supply generator arguments 'JSON::*' => (-prefix => 'json_'), # add prefix 'License::*' => ( -has_tag => 'family:cc', # select by tag -lacks_tag => 'type:unversioned', # also select by lack of tag -suffix => '_license', # also add suffix ), ); DESCRIPTION Regexp::Pattern is a convention for organizing reusable regexp patterns in modules, as well as framework for some convenience in using those patterns in your program. Structure of an example Regexp::Pattern::* module package Regexp::Pattern::Example; our %RE = ( # the minimum spec re1 => { pat => qr/\d{3}-\d{4}/ }, # more complete spec re2 => { summary => 'This is regexp for blah', description => <<'_', A longer description. _ pat => qr/.../, tags => ['A','B'], }, # dynamic (regexp generator) re3 => { summary => 'This is a regexp for blah blah', description => <<'_', ... _ gen => sub { my %args = @_; my $variant = $args{variant} || 'A'; if ($variant eq 'A') { return qr/\d{3}-\d{3}/; } else { # B return qr/\d{3}-\d{2}-\d{5}/; } }, gen_args => { variant => { summary => 'Choose variant', schema => ['str*', in=>['A','B']], default => 'A', req => 1, }, }, tags => ['B','C'], }, ); A Regexp::Pattern::* module must declare a package global hash variable named %RE. Hash keys are pattern names, hash values are pattern definitions in the form of defhashes (see DefHash). Pattern name should be a simple identifier that matches this regexp: "/\A[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\z/". The definition for the qualified pattern name "Foo::Bar::baz" can then be located in %Regexp::Pattern::Foo::Bar::RE under the hash key "baz". Pattern definition hash should at the minimum be: { pat => qr/.../ } You can add more stuffs from the defhash specification, e.g. summary, description, tags, and so on, for example (taken from Regexp::Pattern::CPAN): { summary => 'PAUSE author ID, or PAUSE ID for short', pat => qr/[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{1,8}/, description => <<_, I'm not sure whether PAUSE allows digit for the first letter. For safety I'm assuming no. _ } Using a Regexp::Pattern::* module Standalone A Regexp::Pattern::* module can be used in a standalone way (i.e. no need to use via the Regexp::Pattern framework), as it simply contains data that can be grabbed using a normal means, e.g.: use Regexp::Pattern::Example; say "Input does not match blah" unless $input =~ /\A$Regexp::Pattern::Example::RE{re1}{pat}\z/; Via Regexp::Pattern, sub interface Regexp::Pattern (this module) also provides "re()" function to help retrieve the regexp pattern. See "re" for more details. Via Regexp::Pattern, hash interface Additionally, Regexp::Pattern (since v0.2.0) lets you import regexp patterns into your %RE package hash variable, a la Regexp::Common (but simpler because the hash is just a regular hash, only 1-level deep, and not magical). To import, you specify qualified pattern names as the import arguments: use Regexp::Pattern 'Q::pat1', 'Q::pat2', ...; Each qualified pattern name can optionally be followed by a list of name-value pairs. A pair name can be an option name (which is dash followed by a word, e.g. "-as", "-prefix") or a generator argument name for dynamic pattern. Wildcard import. Instead of a qualified pattern name, you can use 'Module::SubModule::*' wildcard syntax to import all patterns from a pattern module. Importing into a different name. You can add the import option "-as" to import into a different name, for example: use Regexp::Pattern 'YouTube::video_id' => (-as => 'yt_id'); Prefix and suffix. You can also add a prefix and/or suffix to the imported name: use Regexp::Pattern 'Example::*' => (-prefix => 'example_'); use Regexp::Pattern 'Example::*' => (-suffix => '_sample'); Filtering. When wildcard-importing, you can select the patterns you want using a combination of these options: "-has_tag" (only select patterns that have a specified tag), "-lacks_tag" (only select patterns that do not have a specified tag). FUNCTIONS re Exported by default. Get a regexp pattern by name from a "Regexp::Pattern::*" module. Usage: re($name[, \%args ]) => $re $name is *MODULE_NAME::PATTERN_NAME* where *MODULE_NAME* is name of a "Regexp::Pattern::*" module without the "Regexp::Pattern::" prefix and *PATTERN_NAME* is a key to the %RE package global hash in the module. A dynamic pattern can accept arguments for its generator, and you can pass it as hashref in the second argument of "re()". Die when pattern by name $name cannot be found (either the module cannot be loaded or the pattern with that name is not found in the module). HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO Regexp::Common. Regexp::Pattern is an alternative to Regexp::Common. Regexp::Pattern offers simplicity and lower startup overhead. Instead of a magic hash, you retrieve available regexes from normal data structure or via the provided "re()" function. Regexp::Pattern also provides a hash interface, albeit the hash is not magic. Regexp::Common::RegexpPattern, a bridge module to use patterns in "Regexp::Pattern::*" modules via Regexp::Common. Regexp::Pattern::RegexpCommon, a bridge module to use patterns in "Regexp::Common::*" modules via Regexp::Pattern. App::RegexpPatternUtils If you use Dist::Zilla: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Regexp::Pattern, Pod::Weaver::Plugin::Regexp::Pattern, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddModule::RegexpCommon::FromRegexpPattern, Dist::Zilla::Plugin::AddModule::RegexpPattern::FromRegexpCommon. AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018, 2016 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.