DESCRIPTION This distribution contains several SQL functions to be used with SQL::Statement: MAXNUM() MAXSTR() MINNUM() MINSTR() These functions are added due to the lack of CASE statement as well as IF function in SQL::Statement. For example, this SQL statement: SELECT CASE WHEN a > b THEN a ELSE b END FROM table can be expressed with: SELECT MAXNUM(a, b) FROM table To use a function from Perl script: require SQL::Statement::Function::ByName::MAXNUM; $dbh->do(qq{CREATE FUNCTION MAXNUM NAME "SQL::Statement::Function::ByName::MAXNUM::MAXNUM"}); To use a function from fsql: % fsql -F MAXNUM --add-csv path/to/sometable.csv "SELECT MAXNUM(col1,col2) FROM sometable ..." SEE ALSO SQL::Statement App::fsql