SYNOPSIS To check all metadata in a module: use Test::Rinci tests=>1; metadata_in_module_ok("Foo::Bar", {opt => ...}, $msg); Alternatively, you can check all metadata in all modules in a distro: # save in release-rinci.t, put in distro's t/ subdirectory use Test::More; plan skip_all => "Not release testing" unless $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING}; eval "use Test::Rinci"; plan skip_all => "Test::Rinci required for testing Rinci metadata" if $@; metadata_in_all_modules_ok({opt => ...}, $msg); DESCRIPTION This module performs various checks on a module's Rinci metadata. It is recommended that you include something like release-rinci.t in your distribution if you add metadata to your code. If you use Dist::Zilla to build your distribution, there is Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Rinci to make it easy to do so. FUNCTIONS All these functions are exported by default. metadata_in_module_ok($module [, \%opts ] [, $msg]) Load $module, get its metadata, and perform test on all of them. For function metadata, a wrapping to the function is done to see if it can be wrapped. Available options: * test_package_metadata => BOOL (default: 1) Whether to test package metadata found in module. * exclude_packages => REGEX/ARRAY List of packages to exclude from testing. * test_function_metadata => BOOL (default: 1) Whether to test function metadata found in module. Currently require wrap_function option to be turned on, as the tests are done to the metadata generated by the wrapper (for convenience, since the wrapper can convert old v1.0 metadata to v1.1). * wrap_function => BOOL (default: 1) Whether to wrap function (using Perinci::Sub::Wrapper). All tests which run module's functions require this option to be turned on. * test_function_examples => BOOL (default: 1) Whether to test examples in function metadata, by running each example and comparing the specified result with actual result. Will only take effect when test_function_metadata and wrap_functions is turned on. * exclude_functions => REGEX/ARRAY List of functions to exclude from testing. * test_variable_metadata => BOOL (default: 1) Whether to test function metadata found in module. * exclude_variables => REGEX/ARRAY List of variables to exclude from testing. metadata_in_all_modules_ok([ \%opts ] [, $msg]) Look for modules in directory lib (or blib instead, if it exists), and run metadata_in_module_ok() on each of them. Options are the same as in metadata_in_module_ok(). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Some code taken from Test::Pod::Coverage by Andy Lester. SEE ALSO test-rinci, a command-line interface for metadata_in_all_modules_ok(). Rinci Perinci::Sub::Wrapper Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::Rinci