SYNOPSIS use Text::Chart qw(gen_text_chart); Bar chart: my $res = gen_text_chart( data => [1, 5, 3, 9, 2], type => 'bar', ); will produce this: * ***** *** ********* ** Adding data labels and showing data values: my $res = gen_text_chart( data => [["Andi",1], ["Budi",5], ["Cinta",3], ["Dewi",9], ["Edi",2]], type => 'bar', show_data_label => 1, show_data_value => 1, ); Result: Andi |* (1) Budi |***** (5) Cinta|*** (3) Dewi |********* (9) Edi |** (2) Column chart: my $res = gen_text_chart( data => [["Andi",1], ["Budi",5], ["Cinta",3], ["Dewi",9], ["Edi",2]], type => 'column', show_data_label => 1, ); Result: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Andi Budi Cinta Dewi Edi Sparkline chart: my $res = gen_text_chart( data => [["Andi",1], ["Budi",5], ["Cinta",3], ["Dewi",9], ["Edi",2]], type => 'column', show_data_label => 1, ); my $res = gen_text_chart( data => [1.5, 0.5, 3.5, 2.5, 5.5, 4.5, 7.5, 6.5], type => 'sparkline', ); Result: XXX Plotting multiple data columns: XXX DESCRIPTION THIS IS AN EARLY RELEASE, MANY FEATURES ARE NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Currently only sparkline chart is implemented. Showing data labels and data values are not yet implemented. This module lets you generate text-based charts. FAQ Why am I getting 'Wide character in print/say' warning? You are probably printing Unicode characters to STDOUT without doing something like this beforehand: binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); SEE ALSO Text::Graph, a mature CPAN module for doing text-based graphs. Before writing Text::Chart I used this module for a while, but ran into the problem of weird generated graphs. In addition, I don't like the way Text::Graph draws things, e.g. a data value of 1 is drawn as zero-width bar, or the label separator : is always drawn. So I decided to write an alternative charting module instead. Compared to Text::Graph, here are the things I want to add or do differently as well: functional (non-OO) interface, colors, Unicode, resampling, more chart types like sparkline, animation and some interactivity (perhaps).