NAME Text::Table::Span - Text::Table::Tiny + support for column/row spans VERSION This document describes version 0.001 of Text::Table::Span (from Perl distribution Text-Table-Span), released on 2021-02-14. SYNOPSIS You can either specify column & row spans in the cells themselves, using hashrefs: use Text::Table::Span qw/generate_table/; my $rows = [ # header row ["Year", "Comedy", "Drama", "Variety", "Lead Comedy Actor", "Lead Drama Actor", "Lead Comedy Actress", "Lead Drama Actress"], # first data row [1962, "The Bob Newhart Show (NBC)", {text=>"The Defenders (CBS)", rowspan=>3}, "The Garry Moore Show (CBS)", {text=>"E. G. Marshall, The Defenders (CBS)", rowspan=>2, colspan=>2}, {text=>"Shirley Booth, Hazel (NBC)", rowspan=>2, colspan=>2}], # second data row [1963, {text=>"The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", rowspan=>2}, "The Andy Williams Show (NBC)"], # third data row [1964, "The Danny Kaye Show (CBS)", {text=>"Dick Van Dyke, The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", colspan=>2}, {text=>"Mary Tyler Moore, The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", colspan=>2}], # fourth data row [1965, {text=>"four winners (Outstanding Program Achievements in Entertainment)", colspan=>3}, {text=>"five winners (Outstanding Program Achievements in Entertainment)", colspan=>4}], # fifth data row [1966, "The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "The Fugitive (ABC)", "The Andy Williams Show (NBC)", "Dick Van Dyke, The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "Bill Cosby, I Spy (CBS)", "Mary Tyler Moore, The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "Barbara Stanwyck, The Big Valley (CBS)"], ]; print generate_table( rows => $rows, header_row => 1, #border_style => 'ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader', # module in BorderStyle::* namespace, without the prefix. default is ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader ); Or, you can also use the "cell_attrs" option: use Text::Table::Span qw/generate_table/; my $rows = [ # header row ["Year", "Comedy", "Drama", "Variety", "Lead Comedy Actor", "Lead Drama Actor", "Lead Comedy Actress", "Lead Drama Actress"], # first data row [1962, "The Bob Newhart Show (NBC)", "The Defenders (CBS)",, "The Garry Moore Show (CBS)", "E. G. Marshall, The Defenders (CBS)", "Shirley Booth, Hazel (NBC)"], # second data row [1963, "The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "The Andy Williams Show (NBC)"], # third data row [1964, "The Danny Kaye Show (CBS)"], # fourth data row [1965, "four winners (Outstanding Program Achievements in Entertainment)", "five winners (Outstanding Program Achievements in Entertainment)"], # fifth data row [1966, "The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "The Fugitive (ABC)", "The Andy Williams Show (NBC)", "Dick Van Dyke, The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "Bill Cosby, I Spy (CBS)", "Mary Tyler Moore, The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS)", "Barbara Stanwyck, The Big Valley (CBS)"], ]; print generate_table( rows => $rows, header_row => 1, #border_style => 'ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader', # module in BorderStyle::* namespace, without the prefix. default is ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader cell_attrs => [ # rownum (0-based int), colnum (0-based int), styles (hashref) [1, 2, {rowspan=>3}], [1, 4, {rowspan=>2, colspan=>2}], [1, 5, {rowspan=>2, colspan=>2}], [2, 1, {rowspan=>2}], [3, 2, {colspan=>2}], [3, 3, {colspan=>2}], [4, 1, {colspan=>3}], [4, 2, {colspan=>4}], ], ); will output something like: .------+------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+----------------------. | Year | Comedy | Drama | Variety | Lead Comedy Actor | Lead Drama Actor | Lead Comedy Actress | Lead Drama Actress | +======+==============================+=====================+==============================+==============================+==================+==============================+======================+ | 1962 | The Bob Newhart Show (NBC) | The Defenders (CBS) | The Garry Moore Show (CBS) | E. G. Marshall | Shirley Booth | +------+------------------------------+ +------------------------------+ The Defenders (CBS) | Hazel (NBC) | | 1963 | The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS) | | The Andy Williams Show (NBC) | | | +------+ | +------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | 1964 | | | The Danny Kaye Show (CBS) | Dick Van Dyke | Mary Tyler Moore | | | | | | The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS) | The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS) | +------+------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------+ | 1965 | four winners | five winners | +------+------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+----------------------+ | 1966 | The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS) | The Fugitive (ABC) | The Andy Williams Show (NBC) | Dick Van Dyke | Bill Cosby | Mary Tyler Moore | Barbara Stanwyck | | | | | | The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS) | I Spy (CBS) | The Dick Van Dyke Show (CBS) | The Big Valley (CBS) | `------+------------------------------+---------------------+------------------------------+------------------------------+------------------+------------------------------+----------------------' DESCRIPTION This module is like Text::Table::Tiny (0.04) with added support for column/row spans, and border style. FUNCTIONS generate_table Usage: my $table_str = generate_table(%args); Arguments: * rows Array of arrayrefs (of strings or hashrefs). Required. Each array element is a row of cells. A cell can be a string like "foo" specifying only the text (equivalent to "<{ text=""foo" >>) or a hashref which allows you to specify a cell's text ("text") as well as attributes like "rowspan" (int, >= 1), "colspan" (int, >= 1), "bottom_border" (bool), or "top_border". Currently, "top_border" and "bottom_border" needs to be specified for the first column of a row and will take effect for the whole row. Alternatively, you can also specify cell attributes using "cell_attrs" argument. * header_row Boolean. Optional. Default 0. Whether to treat the first row as the header row, which means draw a separator line between it and the rest. * border_style Str. Optional. Default to "ASCII::SingleLineDoubleAfterHeader". This is Perl module under the BorderStyle namespace, without the namespace prefix. To see how a border style looks like, you can use the CLI show-border-style from App::BorderStyleUtils. * cell_attrs Array of records. Optional. Each record is a 3-element arrayref: "[$row_idx, $col_idx, \%styles]". $row_idx and $col_idx are zero-based. See "rows" for the list of known attributes. Alternatively, you can specify a cell's attribute in the "rows" argument directly, by specifying a cell as hashref. * row_separator Boolean. Optional. Default 0. If set to true, will add a separator between data rows. Equivalent to setting "bottom_border" or "top_border" attribute for each row. HOMEPAGE Please visit the project's homepage at . SOURCE Source repository is at . BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature. SEE ALSO Text::Table::TinyBorderStyle HTML <TABLE> element, , AUTHOR perlancar COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2021 by This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.