SYNOPSIS use Term::ANSIColor; use Text::Table::TinyColor qw/ generate_table /; my $rows = [ # header row [colored(['bright_green'],'Name'), colored(['bright_green'],'Rank'), colored(['bright_green'],'Serial')], # rows ['alice', 'pvt', '123456'], ['bob', 'cpl', '98765321'], ['carol', 'brig gen', colored(['bold'], '8745')], ]; print generate_table(rows => $rows, header_row => 1); DESCRIPTION This module is Text::Table::Tiny (0.04) which adds supports for colored text (text that contains ANSI color codes): the colored text will still line up. Interface, options, and format variables are the same as in Text::Table::Tiny. SEE ALSO Text::Table::Tiny Text::Table::TinyWide for table with wide character support. Text::Table::Any Text::ANSITable for more formatting options and wide character support, but with larger footprint and slower rendering speed.