SYNOPSIS use XPAN::Query qw( list_xpan_packages list_xpan_modules list_xpan_dists list_xpan_authors ); # the first query will download 02packages.details.txt.gz from a CPAN mirror # (the default is "/cpan" or "") and convert it to a SQLite # database, so it will take some time, e.g. several seconds for download (1.5MB # at the time of this writing, so a few seconds depending on your connection # speed) plus around 10-15s for conversion. my $res = list_xpan_authors("MICHAEL%"); # => ["MICHAEL", "MICHAELW"] # the subsequent queries will be instantaneous, unless you change mirror site # or 24 hours has passed, which is the default cache period. my list_xpan_modules(author=>"NEILB", detail=>1); DESCRIPTION XPAN is a term I coined for any repository (directory tree, be it on a local filesystem or a remote network) that has structure like a CPAN mirror, specifically having a modules/02packages.details.txt.gz file. This includes a normal CPAN mirror, a MiniCPAN, or a DarkPAN. Currently it excludes BackPAN, because it does not have 02packages.details.txt.gz, only authors/id/C/CP/CPANID directories. With this module, you can query various things about the repository. This module fetches 02packages.details.txt.gz and parses it (caching it locally for a period of time). VARIABLES $XPAN::Query::CACHE_PERIOD => int (default: 86400) Set default cache period, in seconds. $XPAN::Query::URL => str (default: "/cpan") Set default XPAN URL. ENVIRONMENT XPAN_CACHE_PERIOD => int Can be used to preset $XPAN::Query::CACHE_PERIOD. XPAN_URL => str Can be used to preset $XPAN::Query::URL. SEE ALSO Parse::CPAN::Packages is a more full-featured and full-fledged module to parse 02packages.details.txt.gz. The downside is, startup and performance is slower. Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast is created as a more lightweight alternative to Parse::CPAN::Packages. PAUSE::Packages also parses 02packages.details.txt.gz, it's just that the interface is different. PAUSE::Users parses authors/00whois.xml. XPAN::Query does not parse this file, it is currently not generated/downloaded by CPAN::Mini, for example. CPANDB::Generator. This will generate a local CPANDB SQLite database like XPAN::Query. However, it generates a more complete index (e.g. dependency graph) but require a (local) CPAN mirror instead of just 02packages.details.txt.gz file. Tangentially related: BackPAN::Index