NAME Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::PERLSRVDE - The plugin bundle we use at VERSION version 0.0.1 SYNOPSIS ; in dist.ini [@PERLSRVDE] Using "Options": ; in dist.ini [@PERLSRVDE] ; we are using an internal git repository repository_type = internal internal_type = git internal_url = git://git.internal.example/test.git internal_web = https://git.internal.example/test ; but the bugtracker is an other tool bugtracker = https://our.bugtracker.example ; and it's a CPAN module, so we want to include more ; dist::zilla plugins is_cpan = 1 ; but we do not want to upload it ;-) fake_release = 1 DESCRIPTION This is a Dist::Zilla PluginBundle. It lists the plugins we use at| It is roughly equivalent to the following dist.ini: [ContributorsFile] filename = CONTRIBUTORS [CheckChangesHasContent] [NextRelease] format=%-9v%T %{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss VVVV}d [SyncCPANfile] [PkgVersion] [PodWeaver] [@Filter] -bundle = @Basic -remove = Readme -remove = UploadToCPAN [Git::Contributors] include_authors = 1 [PodSyntaxTests] [PodCoverageTests] [Test::NoTabs] [Test::NoBOM] [Test::Perl::Critic] [MetaProvides::Package] [MetaJSON] [ExecDir] [@Git] [PerlTidy] perltidyrc = .perltidyrc OPTIONS These options can be used: * is_cpan * repository_type * repository_path * internal_type * internal_url * bugtracker * fake_release AUTHOR Renee Baecker COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2022 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)