AI::ExpertSystem::Simple - A class implementing an expert system This is release V1.00 of AI::ExpertSystem::Simple. The class implements a simple expert system that reads it knowledge base (set of IF .. THEN rules) from an XML file. Three sample knowledge bases are provided along with a command line shell that allows the knowledge bases to be consulted. INSTALLATION % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % sudo make install TEST FAILURES The tests are there to make sure that I have broken nothing when I fiddle with the code and will teach you very little about how to use the code. To see how to use the code look at simpleshell in the bin directory and read the contents of the docs directory (when I have written them). I am assuming that you know what an expert system is and know why you are even running this code for in the first place. TO DO * More documentation (you can never have too much) * Implement the reset method (I know what this means) * Tk based simpleshell * Event logging REQUIREMENTS * Developed under 5.6.1 but should work on anything 5+. * Written completely in Perl. XS is not required. * Requires XML::Twig to parse the XML AUTHOR Peter Hickman Copyright (c) 2003, Peter Hickman. All rights reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE V1.00: - First release to CPAN