Graph::Timeline - Manipulate and display timelines This is release V1.2 of Graph::Timeline. The class is used to show timelines. Look in the examples directory for a program showing how to use the module and some sample data. INSTALLATION % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % sudo make install TEST FAILURES The tests are there to make sure that I have broken nothing when I fiddle with the code and will teach you very little about how to use the code. TO DO * Look at getting 1971/05-1971/09 for sometime between May 1971 and September 1971 accepted for 'start' and 'end' dates for intervals and points. * Documentation BUGS None so far REQUIREMENTS * Developed under 5.6.1 but should work on anything 5+. * Written completely in Perl. XS is not required. * Requires Date::Calc, GD, GD::Text AUTHOR Peter Hickman Copyright (c) 2003, Peter Hickman. All rights reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself. CHANGES IN THIS RELEASE V1.0: - First release to CPAN V1.1: - Handles the years in the window correctly - Draws points V1.2: - Minor fix to the POD