NAME Syntax::Operator::In - placeholder module for infix element-of-list meta-operator DESCRIPTION This empty module is a placeholder for eventually implementing syntax for a generic element-of-list meta-operator, perhaps using syntax such as the following: use Syntax::Operator::In; if($x in @some_strings) { say "x is one of the given strings"; } It is currently empty, because the underlying syntax parsing module, XS::Parse::Infix, does not yet support the additional syntax required to parameterize this meta-operator. Instead, for operators that already specialize on string or numerical equality, see instead Syntax::Operator::Elem. TODO * Improve runtime performance of compiletime-constant sets of strings, by detecting when the RHS contains string constants and convert it into a hash lookup. * The real in meta-operator. This first requires more extensive parsing support from XS::Parse::Infix. * Consider cross-module integration with Syntax::Keyword::Match, permitting match($val : elem) { case(@arr_of_strings) { ... } } Or perhaps this would be too weird, and maybe match/case should have an "any-of" list/array matching ability itself. See also AUTHOR Paul Evans