NAME FirstGoodURL - determines first successful URL in list SYNOPSIS use FirstGoodURL; use strict; my @URLs = (...); my $match; if ($match = FirstGoodURL->in(@URLs)) { print "good URL: $match\n"; } else { print "no URL was alive\n"; } if ($match = FirstGoodURL->with('image/png')->in(@URLs)) { print "PNG found at $match\n"; } else { print "no PNG found\n"; } DESCRIPTION This module uses the LWP suite to scan through a list of URLs. It returns the first URL that returns a `200 Ok' status. In addition, you can specify a Content-type that the URL must return. Methods * `FirstGoodURL-'in(...)> Scans a list of URLs for a 200 response code, and possibly a requisite Content-type (see the `with' method below) * `FirstGoodURL-'with(...)> Sets a Content-type for the next (successful) call to `in'. You can send a single string, a list of strings, or a compiled regex (using `qr//'). If a match is returned from the call to `in', the Content-type is forgotten; if there is no match found, the Content-type is remembered. This method returns the class name, so that you can daisy-chain calls for readability: my $match = FirstGoodURL->with(qr/image/)->in(@URLs); AUTHOR Jeff "japhy" Pinyan CPAN ID: PINYAN