NAME Alien::cmake3 - Find or download or build cmake 3 or better VERSION version 0.06 SYNOPSIS From Perl: use Alien::cmake3; use Env qw( @PATH ); unshift @PATH, Alien::cmake3->bin_dir; system 'cmake', ...; From alienfile use alienfile; share { # Build::CMake plugin pulls in Alien::cmake3 automatically plugin 'Build::CMake'; build [ # this is the default build step, if you do not specify one. [ '%{cmake3}', -G => '%{cmake_generator}', '-DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE:BOOL=true', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=%{.install.prefix}', '.' ], '%{make}', '%{make} install', ]; }; DESCRIPTION This Alien distribution provides an external dependency on the build tool cmake version 3.0.0 or better. cmake is a popular alternative to autoconf. METHODS bin_dir my @dirs = Alien::cmake3->bin_dir; List of directories that need to be added to the PATH in order for cmake to work. exe my $exe = Alien::cmake3->exe; The name of the cmake executable. HELPERS cmake3 %{cmake3} The name of the cmake executable. SEE ALSO Alien::Build::Plugin::Build::CMake Alien::Build plugin for cmake This will automatically pull in Alien::cmake3 if you need it. Alien::CMake This is an older distribution that provides an alienized cmake. It is different in these ways: Alien::cmake3 is based on alienfile and Alien::Build It integrates better with Aliens that are based on that technology. Alien::cmake3 will provide version 3.0.0 or better Alien::CMake will provide 2.x.x on some platforms where more recent binaries are not available. Alien::cmake3 will install on platforms where there is no system cmake and no binary cmake provided by It does this by building cmake from source. Alien::cmake3 is preferred In the opinion of the maintainer of both Alien::cmake3 and Alien::CMake for these reasons. AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis Contributors: Adriano Ferreira (FERREIRA) COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.