NAME Kafka::Librd - bindings for librdkafka SYNOPSIS use Kafka::Librd; my $kafka = Kafka::Librd->new( Kafka::Librd::RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER, { "" => 'consumer_id', }, ); $kafka->brokers_add('server1:9092,server2:9092'); $kafka->subscribe( \@topics ); while (1) { my $msg = $kafka->consumer_poll(1000); if ($msg) { if ( $msg->err ) { say "Error: ", Kafka::Librd::Error::to_string($err); } else { say $msg->payload; } } } DESCRIPTION This module provides perl bindings for librdkafka. METHODS new $kafka = $class->new($type, \%config) Create a new instance. $type can be either "RD_KAFKA_CONSUMER" or "RD_KAFKA_PRODUCER". Config is a hash with configuration parameters as described in , additionally it may include "default_topic_config" key, with a hash containing default topic configuration properties. brokers_add $cnt = $kafka->brokers_add($brokers) add one or more brokers to the list of initial bootstrap brokers. *$brokers* is a comma separated list of brokers in the format "[proto://]host[:port]". subscribe $err = $kafka->subscribe(\@topics) subscribe to the list of topics using balanced consumer groups. unsubscribe $err = $kafka->unsubscribe unsubscribe from the current subsctiption set subscription $tplist = $kafka->subscription return current subscription. Subscription returned as a reference to array of hashes with the following fields: "topic", "partition", "offset", "metadata". assign $err = $kafka->assign(\@tplist) assign partitions to consume. @tplist is an array of hashes with "topic" and "partition" fields set. assignment $tplist = $kafka->assignment return current assignment. Result returned in the same way as for "subscription". consumer_poll $msg = $kafka->consumer_poll($timeout_ms) poll for messages or events. If any message or event received, returns "Kafka::Librd::Message" object. If "<$msg-"err>> for returned object is zero (RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR), then it is a proper message, otherwise it is an event or an error. commit $err = $kafka->commit(\@tplist, $async) commit offsets to the broker. @tplist is an array of hashes with the following keys: "topic", "partition", "offset", "metadata". If @topic_partition_list is missing or undef, then current partition assignment is used instead. If $async is 1, then method returns immediately, if it is 0 or missing then method blocks until offsets are commited. commit_message $err = $kafka->commit_message($msg, $async) commit message's offset for the message's partition. $async same as for "commit". committed $tplist = $kafka->committed(\@tplist, $timeout_ms) retrieve commited offsets for topics and partitions specified in @tplist, which is an array of hashes with "topic" and "partition" fields. Returned $tplist contains a copy of the input list with added "offset" fields. position $tplist = $kafka->position(\@tplist) retrieve current offsets for topics and partitions specified in @tplist, which is an array of hashes with "topic" and "partition" fields. Returned $tplist contains a copy of the input list with added "offset" fields. consumer_close $err = $kafka->consumer_close close down the consumer topic $topic = $kafka->topic($name, \%config) return a "Kafka::Librd::Topic"topic object, that can be used to produce messages outq_len $len = $kafka->outq_len return the current out queue length. flush $kafka->flush($timeout_ms) wait until all outstanding produce requests,, are completed. destroy $kafka->destroy destroy kafka handle dump $kafka->dump dump internal state of kafka handle to stdout, only useful for debugging Kafka::Librd::Topic This class maps to "rd_kafka_topic_t" structure from librdkafka and represents topic. It should be created with "topic" method of Kafka::Librd object. It provides the following method: produce $err = $topic->produce($partition, $msgflags, $payload, $key) produce a message for the topic. *$msgflags* can be RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_BLOCK in the future, but currently it should be set to 0, RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY and RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_FREE must not be used, internally RD_KAFKA_MSG_F_COPY is always set. destroy $topic->destroy destroy topic handle Kafka::Librd::Message This class maps to "rd_kafka_message_t" structure from librdkafka and represents message or event. Objects of this class have the following methods: err return error code from the message topic return topic name partition return partition number offset return offset. Note, that the value is truncated to 32 bit if your perl doesn't support 64 bit integers. key return message key payload return message payload timestamp(\$tstype) return message timestamp (milliseconds since UNIX epoch) The $tstype argument is optional, and if present, it should be a scalar reference. It will be filled with one of the following values: Kafka::Librd::RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_NOT_AVAILABLE Kafka::Librd::RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_CREATE_TIME Kafka::Librd::RD_KAFKA_TIMESTAMP_LOG_APPEND_TIME CAVEATS Message offset is truncated to 32 bit if perl compiled without support for 64 bit integers. SEE ALSO BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests via GitHub bug tracker at . AUTHOR Original author Pavel Shaydo "" Current maintainer Graham Ollis "" LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Pavel Shaydo This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.