NAME PlugAuth::Client::Tiny - Minimal PlugAuth client VERSION version 0.02 SYNOPSIS use PlugAuth::Client::Tiny; my $client = PlugAuth::Client::Tiny->new( url => "http://localhost:3000/" ); if($client->auth('primus', 'spark')) { # authentication succeeded } else { # authentication failed } DESCRIPTION PlugAuth::Client::Tiny is a minimal PlugAuth client. It uses HTTP::Tiny instead of LWP or Mojo::UserAgent. It provides only a mechanism for authenticating and authorizing against a PlugAuth server. If you need to modify the users/groups/authorization on the server through the RESTful API then you will need the heavier PlugAuth::Client which relies on Clustericious::Client and Mojo::UserAgent. PlugAuth::Client::Tiny should work perfectly with PlugAuth::Lite as well, because it only uses the subset of the PlugAuth API which is implemented by PlugAuth::Lite. CONSTRUCTOR new use PlugAuth::Client::Tiny->new; my $client = PlugAuth::Client::Tiny->new; PlugAuth::Client::Tiny's constructor accepts one optional option: url The URL of the PlugAuth server. If not specified, http://localhost:3000 is used. All other options passed to new will be passed on to the constructor of HTTP::Tiny, which allows you to set agent, default_headers, etc. See the documentation of HTTP::Tiny for details. ATTRIBUTES url my $url = $client->url; Returns the URL for the PlugAuth server. This attribute is read-only. METHODS auth my $bool = $client->auth( $user, $password ); Attempt to authenticate against the PlugAuth server using the given username and password. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure and dies on a connection failure. authz my $bool = $client->authz( $user, $action, $resource ); Determine if the given user is authorized to perform the given action on the given resource. Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure and dies on connection failure. version my $version = $client->version; Returns the version of the PlugAuth server. AUTHOR Graham Ollis COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.