NAME Statocles - A static site generator VERSION version 0.013 DESCRIPTION Statocles is an application for building static web pages from a set of plain YAML and Markdown files. It is designed to make it as simple as possible to develop rich web content using basic text-based tools. GUIDES GETTING STARTED To get started with your own Statocle site, see the Statocles setup help in Statocles::Help::Setup. OVERVIEW DOCUMENTS A document is the main content of the site. The user does all the work with documents: adding, editing, and removing documents. The default store reads documents in a combined YAML and Markdown format, easily editable with any text editor. A sample document looks like: --- title: This is a title author: preaction --- # This is the markdown content This is a paragraph This is the same format that Jekyll uses. The document format is described in the Statocles::Store documentation under Frontmatter Document Format. PAGES A Statocles::Page is rendered HTML ready to be sent to a user. Statocles generates pages from the documents that the user provides. One document may generate multiple pages, and pages may have multiple formats like HTML or RSS. Statocles::Page::Document This page renders a single document. This is used for the main page of a blog post, for example. Statocles::Page::List This page renders a list of other pages (not documents). This is used for index pages. APPLICATIONS An application is the module that will take the documents the user provides and turn them into the pages that can be written out to the filesystem. Statocles::App::Blog A simple blogging application. SITES A Statocles::Site manages a bunch of applications, writing and deploying the resulting pages. Deploying the site may involve a simple file copy, but it could also involve a Git repository, an FTP site, or a database. Statocles::Site::Git A simple Git repository site. STORES A Statocles::Store reads and writes documents and pages. The default store reads documents in YAML and writes pages to a file, but stores could read documents as JSON, or from a Mongo database, and write pages to a database, or whereever you want! AUTHOR Doug Bell COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Doug Bell. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.