NAME POE::Filter::SSL - The easiest and flexiblest way to SSL in POE! VERSION Version 0.08 DESCRIPTION This module allows to secure connections of POE::Wheel::ReadWrite with OpenSSL by a POE::Filter object. The SSL filter can be added and removed during runtime, for example if you first do plain text and aftert this SSL (e.g. STARTTLS). You also can combine POE::Filter::SSL with any other filter, e.g. realise a HTTPS server together with POE::Filter::HTTPD (see *ADVANCED EXAMPLE* later on this site). POE::Filter::SSL is mainly based on Net::SSLeay, but got implemented some missing calls Net::SSLeay missing. It got an own BIO implementation, which replaces the socket interface of OpenSSL. Features Full non-blocking processing No use of sockets at all Server and client mode Optional client certificate verification Allows to accept connections with invalid or missing client certificate and return custom error data CRL check of client certificates Retrieve client certificate details (subject name, issuer name, certificate serial) Upcoming Features Direct cipher encryption without SSL or TLS protocol, for example with static AES encryption SYNOPSIS Server and client mainly differs in the *client* option of new(). Client #!perl use warnings; use strict; use POE qw(Component::Client::TCP Filter::SSL); POE::Component::Client::TCP->new( RemoteAddress => "", RemotePort => 443, Filter => [ "POE::Filter::SSL", ## HERE WE ARE! client => 1 ], Connected => sub { $_[HEAP]{server}->put("HEAD /\r\n"); }, ServerInput => sub { my $input = $_[ARG0]; # The following line is needed to do the SSL handshake! return $_[HEAP]{server}->put() unless $input; print "from server: $input\n"; }, ); POE::Kernel->run(); exit; Server #!perl use warnings; use strict; use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP); POE::Component::Server::TCP->new( Port => 443, ClientFilter => [ "POE::Filter::SSL", ## HERE WE ARE! crt => 'server.crt', key => 'server.key' ], ClientConnected => sub { print "got a connection from $_[HEAP]{remote_ip}\n"; $_[HEAP]{client}->put("Smile from the server!"); }, ClientInput => sub { my $client_input = $_[ARG0]; # The following line is needed to do the SSL handshake! return $_[HEAP]{client}->put() unless $client_input; $client_input =~ tr[a-zA-Z][n-za-mN-ZA-M]; $_[HEAP]{client}->put($client_input); }, ); POE::Kernel->run; exit; FUNCTIONS new(options) Returns a new POE::Filter::SSL object. It accepts the following options: debug Get debug messages, currently mainly used by clientCertNotOnCRL(). client The filter has to behave as a SSL client, not as a SSL server. crt The certificate file (.crt) for the server. key The key file (.key) of the certificate for the server. clientcert The server requests the client for a client certificat during ssl handshake. WARNING: If the client provides an untrusted or no client certficate, the connection is not failing. You have to ask clientCertValid() if the certicate is valid! cacrt The ca certificate file (ca.crt), which is used to verificated the client certificates against a CA. cacrl Configures a CRL against the client certificate is proofed by clientCertValid(). cipher Specify which ciphers are allowed for the synchronous encrypted transfer of the data over the ssl connection. Example: cipher => 'AES256-SHA' handshakeDone(options) Returns *true* if the handshake is done and all data for hanshake has been written out. It accepts the following options: ignorebuf Returns *true* if OpenSSL has established the connection, regardless if all data has been written out. This is needed if you want to exchange the Filter of POE::Wheel::ReadWrite before the first data comes in (see *ADVANCED EXAMPLE* later on this site). clientCertNotOnCRL($file) Verifies if the serial of the client certificate is not contained in the CRL $file. No file caching is done, each call opens the file again. WARNING: If your CRL file is missing, can not be opened is empty or has no blocked certificate at all in it, then every call will get blocked! clientCertIds() Returns an array of every certificate found by OpenSSL. Each element is again a array. The first element is the value of *X509_get_subject_name*, second is the value of *X509_get_issuer_name* and third element is the serial of the certificate in binary form. You have to use *split()* and *ord()* to convert it to a readable form. Example: my ($certid) = ($heap->{sslfilter}->clientCertIds()); $certid = $certid ? $certid->[0]."
SERIAL=".hexdump($certid->[2]) : 'No client certificate'; clientCertValid() Returns *true* if there is a client certificate that is valid. It also tests against the crl, if you have the *cacrl* option set on new(). clientCertExists() Returns *true* if there is a client certificate, that maybe is untrusted. WARNING: If the client provides an untrusted client certficate a client certicate that is listed in CRL, this function maybe return *true*. You have to ask clientCertValid() if the certicate is valid! hexdump($string) Returns string data in hex format. Example: perl -e 'use POE::Filter::SSL; print POE::Filter::SSL::hexdump("test")."\n";' 74:65:73:74 Internal functions and POE::Filter handler BIO_get_handler() BIO_read() BIO_write() VERIFY() X509_get_serialNumber() clone() doSSL() get() get_one() get_one_start() get_pending() hello() put() verify_serial_against_crl_file() ADVANCED EXAMPLE The following example implements a HTTPS server with client certificate validation, which shows details about the verified client certificate. If you uncomment the POE::Filter::HTTPD block, it also shows the URI property of the parsed HTTP::Response object from POE::Filter::HTTPD. #!perl use strict; use warnings; use Socket; use POE qw( Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite Driver::SysRW Filter::SSL Filter::Stackable Filter::HTTPD ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => sub { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; $heap->{listener} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( BindAddress => '', BindPort => 443, Reuse => 'yes', SuccessEvent => 'socket_birth', FailureEvent => '_stop', ); }, _stop => sub { delete $_[HEAP]->{listener}; }, socket_birth => sub { my ($socket) = $_[ARG0]; POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => sub { my ($heap, $kernel, $connected_socket, $address, $port) = @_[HEAP, KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2]; $heap->{socket_wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $connected_socket, Driver => POE::Driver::SysRW->new(), Filter => POE::Filter::SSL->new( ### HERE WE ARE!!! crt => 'server.crt', key => 'server.key', cactr => 'ca.crt', cipher => 'AES256-SHA', cacrl => 'ca.crl', debug => 1, clientcert => 1 ), InputEvent => 'socket_input', ErrorEvent => '_stop', ); $heap->{sslfilter} = $heap->{socket_wheel}->get_input_filter(); }, socket_input => sub { my ($kernel, $heap, $buf) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0]; ### Uncomment the follwing lines if you want to use POE::Filter::HTTPD after the SSL handshake #if (ref($heap->{socket_wheel}->get_input_filter()) eq "POE::Filter::SSL") { # if ($heap->{sslfilter}->handshakeDone(ignorebuf => 1)) { # $heap->{socket_wheel}->set_input_filter(POE::Filter::Stackable->new( # Filters => [ # $heap->{sslfilter}, # POE::Filter::HTTPD->new() # ]) # ); # } #} # This following line is needed to do the SSL handshake! return $heap->{socket_wheel}->put() unless $heap->{sslfilter}->handshakeDone(); my ($certid) = ($heap->{sslfilter}->clientCertIds()); $certid = $certid ? $certid->[0]."
SERIAL=".ord($certid->[2]) : 'No client certificate'; my $content = "HTTP/1.0 OK\r\nContent-type: text/html\r\n\r\n"; if ($heap->{sslfilter}->clientCertValid()) { $content .= "Hello valid client Certifcate:"; } else { $content .= "None or invalid client certificate:"; } $content .= "
"; $content .= "Your URL was: ".$buf->uri."
" # This line will only appear if you uncomment the lines above! if (ref($buf) eq "HTTP::Request"); $content .= localtime(time()); $heap->{socket_wheel}->put($content); $kernel->delay(_stop => 1); }, _stop => sub { delete $_[HEAP]->{socket_wheel}; } }, args => [$socket], ); } } ); $poe_kernel->run(); AUTHOR Markus Mueller, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-poe-filter-sslsupport at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc POE::Filter::SSL You can also look for information at: * RT: CPAN's request tracker * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * Search CPAN Commercial support Commercial support can be gained at COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2010 Markus Mueller, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.