NAME REST::Client::CrossRef - Read data from CrossRef using its REST API VERSION Version 0.001 INSTALLATION To install REST::Client::CrossRef, cd to the directory that contains this file and type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install On windows use nmake or dmake instead of make. To install this module into a specific directory, do: perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/name/of/the/directory ...the rest is the same... Please also read the perlmodinstall man page, if available. DEPENDENCIES Test::More 1.001014 Log::Any 1.049 Carp 1.4 JSON 2.9 HTTP::Cache::Transparent 1.4 Moo 2.001001 URI::Escape 3.31 REST::Client 273 DESCRIPTION This module use CrossRef REST API to read the data from the CrossRef repository. SYNOPSIS use Log::Any::Adapter( 'File', './log.txt', 'log_level'=> 'info'); use REST::Client::CrossRef; #the mail address is added in the request's header #return the data without transformation my $cr = REST::Client::CrossRef->new( mailto => '', spit_raw_data => 1, ); #cache the data with HTTP::Cache::Transparent $cr->init_cache( { BasePath => ".\cache", NoUpdate => => 60 * 60, verbose => 0 }); my $data = $cr->journal_from_doi('10.1088/0004-637X/722/2/971'); print Dumper($data), "\n"; #$data is a hash ref of the json data converted to perl #unfold the data to something like # field1/subfield1/subfield2 : value #add an undef value after each item fields #output only the fields given with keys_to_keep, with the same ordering my $cr = REST::Client::CrossRef->new( mailto => '', add_end_flag => 1, keys_to_keep => [ ['author'], ['title'], ['container-title'], ['volume'],['issue'], ['page'],['issued/date-parts'], ['published-print/date-parts'] ],); my $data = $cr->article_from_doi('10.1088/0004-637X/722/2/971'); for my $row (@$data) { if (! $row) { print "\n"; next; } while ( my ($f, $v) = each %$row) { print "$f : $v \n"; } } #display the item's fields in alphabetic order #add 'end of data' field after each item my $cr = REST::Client::CrossRef->new( mailto => '', add_end_flag => 1, sort_output => 1, ); $cr->init_cache( { BasePath => "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\perl", NoUpdate => => 60 * 60, verbose => 0 }); my @fields = (qw/author title/); my @values = (qw/allan electron/); #return 100 items by page $cr->rows(100); my $data = $cr->query_articles( \@fields, \@values ); while () { last unless $data; for my $row (@$data) { for my $field (keys %$row) { print $field, ": ", $row->{$field}. "\n"; } } $data = $cr->get_next(); } Example of one of the item in the output above author : Wilke, Ingrid; MacLeod, Allan M.; Gillespie, William A.; Berden, Giel; Knippels, Guido M. H.; van der Meer, Alexander F. G.; container-title : Optics and Photonics News issue : 12 issued/date-parts : 2002, 12, 1, page : 16 published-online/date-parts : 2002, 12, 1, published-print/date-parts : 2002, 12, 1, title : Detectors: Time-Domain Terahertz Science Improves Relativistic Electron-Beam Diagnostics volume : 13 end of data : my $cr = REST::Client::CrossRef->new( mailto => '' ,keys_to_keep => [["breakdowns/id", "id"], ["location"], [ "primary-name", "breakdowns/primary-name", "name" ]], ); $cr->init_cache( { BasePath => "C:\\Windows\\Temp\\perl", NoUpdate => => 60 * 60, verbose => 0 }); $cr->rows(100); my $rs_ar = $cr->get_members; while () { last unless $rs_ar; for my $row_hr (@$rs_ar) { for my $k (keys %$row_hr) { print $k . " : " . $row_hr->{$k} . "\n"; } } $rs_ar = $cr->get_next(); } Example of items in the output above id : 5007 location : W. Struve 1 Tartu 50091 Estonia primary-name : University of Tartu Press id : 310 location : 23 Millig Street Helensburgh Helensburgh Argyll G84 9LD United Kingdom primary-name : Westburn Publishers id : 183 location : 9650 Rockville Pike Attn: Lynn Willis Bethesda MD 20814 United States primary-name : Society for Leukocyte Biology AUTHOR FranEois Rappaz CPAN ID: RAPPAZF COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.