Acme::Time::Asparagus We have a clock in our kitchen that has vegetables rather than numbers. You can see a picture of it at Pretty cool, huh? Sarah, our 4 year old, does not yet know how to tell time, and the other night I told her that she needed to be ready to go somewhere by asparagus. This got me thinking that it would be amusing to have a module for conversion from regular time to vegetable time. And, if I got particularly bored, the other direction. So what is this really good for? Um. It's in the Acme namespace. It's purely for my amusement. Note that there are also a wide variety of sushi clocks available - thanks to DrForr for this tip - which you can pick up at Rich 'DrBacchus' Bowen 21 April, 2002, at about Tomato past Brussel Sprout.