README HyperCal Version 3 Beta 2 This is the second Beta release of HyperCal version 3. The beast should be completely functional now. It is, however, still labelled "Beta", meaning that there are perhaps some features still missing, and is not supported. However, having said that to absolve myself of legal blame, I will say that I am not aware of any current problems with it. In any case, this software is provided free of charge, and you are guaranteed to get at least what you paid for. The biggest change since the previous version, apart from the fact that it works ;-) is that I am using several of the Time:: modules from CPAN. You will need to acquire them before this will work. They are free, and work on both Unix and Win32 machines, so this should not be too much of a hardship. CPAN is located at, amoung other places, and the Time modules can be found in modules/by-module/Time There is also a slightly different file format than the "Alpha" versions. I think that it makes more sense. There will shortly be a (not free) version that runs on top of a mSQL database. Stay tuned. Let me know if you are interested. If things don't work just how you like them to, or if you need additional features, just drop me a line at, and I am sure we can work something out. Rich Bowen April 4, 1998 ---------------------------------- HyperCal Version 3 Alpha 2 This is a rather large revision over previous versions of HyperCal. The main changes are that the code will now actually be readable (novel concept) and the HTML will be contained in template files, rather than inline in the CGI code. In addition to these changes, the structure of the data file will change to accomodate better programming practices, and there will be no attempt to make this at all compatible with previous versions. I might, at some later date, try to write a routine that converts the old data files to the new format, but that is waaaay down on my list of priorities, right under dusting in the attic. HyperCal is written in Perl 5, and makes use of a motley collection of modules. An attempt has been made to make this thing run under Win32 as well as under real operating systems, so in cases I have chosen the method that works under Win32 rather than the sensible way. This will of course change in the future, when all sensible people are using Gurusamy Sarathay's port of Perl. We can all dream, can't we? HyperCal is a production of Perl Scripting. HyperCal is distributed freely, and you are encouraged to hack on the code as much as you like. If you do something really cool with it, I'd like to know about it, and would also appreciate seeing your source code. At some point, there is likely to be another version of the product that lives on top of a real database - Access for Win32, and mSQL for Unix systems. That version will probably not be free, but will be more robust and faster, by virtue of using a real database. Stay tuned. Rich Bowen December 22, 1997 Data file format Fields in the data file are separated by $delimiter, which defaults to '~~', but can be set to other stuff if you prefer, for some reason. Good candidates are '\0' and combinations that are not likely to occur in event descriptions. $record = join $delimiter, ($datetime, $endtime, $annual, $description, $type, $recurringid, $id ); Not Yet Implemented (or Things To Do) The following things have not yet been put into the code, or are still broken. Recurring events - as in HyperCal 2.x, you will be able to schedule events that occur event week, or every day, etc, for a finite period of time. Eg., every day for 4 days. This has not yet been put in. Annual events are events that occur every year forever, and these are handled differently. Obviously, we would not want to have a separate event in the datebook for every occurance of an annual event between now and the apocolypse. Announcements - as in HyperCal 2.x, you will be able to post an announcement that appears on the month-view of HyperCal. This just has not yet been written for the new file format. Month-at-a-glance - View all events for a month on one page Search - Search for events that match a particular keyword Email notification - perhaps my most requested feature - the ability to be notified by email about upcoming events. Perhaps you will register for particular events, so that you don't get email on everything. Perhaps you will register for a particular type of event. Event types have not yet been implemented either. Edit an event - due to the ghastly file format I used to use, it was a huge pain to try to edit an existing event. This should be substantially less painful now.