Reflex(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Reflex(3) NNAAMMEE Reflex - Reactive classes for flexible programs. SSYYNNOOPPSSIISS { package App; use Moose; extends 'Reflex::Object'; use Reflex::Timer; has ticker => ( isa => 'Reflex::Timer', is => 'rw', setup => { interval => 1, auto_repeat => 1 }, traits => [ 'Reflex::Trait::Observer' ], ); sub on_ticker_tick { print "tick at ", scalar(localtime), "...\n"; } } exit App->new()->run_all(); DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN Reflex is a suite of classes to help programmers write reactive programs. The project has some goals: +o Be concise. +o Be convenient. +o Be portable. +o Be fast. +o Don't get in the way. +o Release early, and release often. Sorry for the lack of documentation. It conflicted with releasing early. Contributions are very much welcome. Give the project a reason to release often. TODO - Complete the documentation. GGEETTTTIINNGG HHEELLPP See #moose for help with Moose. See #poe for help with POE and Reflex. Support is officially available from POE's mailing list as well. Send a blank message to to join. AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS channel #moose and #poe. The former for assisting in learning their fine libraries, sometimes against everyone's better judgement. The latter for putting up with lengthy and sometimes irrelevant design discussion for oh so long. SSEEEE AALLSSOO Moose, POE, the Reflex namespace on CPAN. TODO - Set up ohlo. TODO - Set up CIA. TODO - Set up home page. BBUUGGSS We appreciate your feedback, bug reports, feature requests, patches and kudos. You may enter them into our request tracker by following the instructions at . We also accept e-mail at AAUUTTHHOORRSS Rocco Caputo, and a (hopefully) growing cadre of contributors--- perhaps including you. Reflex is open source, and we welcome involvement. OOTTHHEERR CCOONNTTRRIIBBUUTTOORRSS Nobody yet. As of this writing, Reflex has only just been released. The repository is publicly available for your hacking pleasure: +o +o TTOODDOO Please browse the source for the TODO marker. Some are visible in the documentation, and others are sprinlked around in the code's comments. CCOOPPYYRRIIGGHHTT AANNDD LLIICCCCEENNSSEE Copyright 2009 by Rocco Caputo. Reflex is free software. You may redistribute and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. TODO - Use the latest recommended best practice for licenses. perl v5.10.0 2009-09-23 Reflex(3)