NAME Tk:JComboBox DESCRIPTION Tk::JComboBox is yet another widget that offers a pull down menu like Optionmenu, BrowseEntry, ComboEntry among others. It was created to combine many of the features that I use most often under an interface very similar to the Java Swing component by the same name. This widget may have much of the same functionality, methods, and behavior but it falls somewhat short of being a clone. I inteded for it to be similar enough to be easy to learn if one was familiar with the component. There is detailed HTML documentation in the docs directory, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This code started out as Graham Barr's MenuEntry. I liked MenuEntry and thought it had lots of promise. So I decided to add to it.The more I added (and subtracted), the less it looked like like MenuEntry until it got to the point where calling it MenuEntry no longer made sense. Thank you Graham for provided the fertile soil from which JComboBox grew. Perhaps someone else will take this widget in directions I hadn't forseen as I took yours. - RCS INSTALLATION: To install, type $ perl Makefile.PL $ make $ make test $ make install Send bug reports, comments and suggestions to or better yet, post them to the ptk mailing list. That's the best place so that others can be aware of possible problems, too. Cheers! Rob Seegel 15 May 2001