Net-AMQP-Haiku version 0.01 =========================== A Simple Perl Module using Net::AMQP. This module is designed to be as simple as possible -- this module shall only require Net::AMQP and Try::Tiny to run, and be compatible from Perl version 5.8.8 and up. USAGE Module Import and Object Instantiation use Net::AMQP::Haiku; my $bugs = Net::AMQP::Haiku->new({ host=> 'localhost', spec_file => '/path/to/spec/file/amqp' }); Open a Channel # open default channel (set to 1) $bugs->open_channel(); # open a specific channel my $channel_id = 72; $bugs->open_channel($channel_id); Set the Queue # basic example for a queue named foo $bugs->set_queue('foo'); # full options $bugs->set_queue($queue_name, { auto_delete => 1, no_ack => 0, nowait => 0, durable => 1, passive => 0, ticket => 0, exclusive => 0 }); Basic Publish # send a message using defaults $bugs->send("ohai!"); # send a message using all available options $bugs->send("ohai!", $queue_name, { routing_key => $routing_key, channel=> $channel, reply_to => $reply_to, correlation_id => $correlation_id }); Basic Message Retrieval # basic example after open_channel() and set_queue() # receive() and get() are synonymous print $bugs->receive(); $msg = $bugs->receive(); $msg = $bugs->get(); # full options $msg = $bugs->get($queue_name, {no_ack => 0}); Basic Producer # basic example after open_channel() and set_queue() $bugs->send("test message"); Basic Consumer # basic consumer after open_channel() and set_queue() $bugs->nom( { queue => $queue_name} ); # stop consuming $bugs->halt_consumption(); # or $bugs->halt_consumption($consumer_tag); Purge a Queue $bugs->purge_queue($queue_name); Delete a Queue $bugs->delete_queue($queue_name); DEPENDENCIES This module requires the following modules for operation: Net::AMQP Try::Tiny For testing purposes, these modules are required: Test::Exception YAML INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test [OPTIONAL] make install DEVELOPMENT STATE At this point of the code, it's still under heavy development. So far, I can only account for basic publishing, binding and get to work. I have not heavily tested consumers yet, but that's currently in progress. Pull requests are more than welcome. FEATURES IN PROGRESS * Finish the consumer method * Decide whether to add an internal logger or just provide a means of importing or using other logging modules COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE The module shall follow the same licensing scheme as Perl. Copyright (C) 2012 by Rebs Guarina This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.