NAME Term::Input - A simple drop-in replacement for in scripts with the additional ability to capture and return the non-standard keys like 'End', 'F3', 'Insert', etc. SYNOPSIS use Term::Input; my $prompt='PROMPT : '; my ($input,$key)=('',''); ($input,$key)=Input($prompt); print "\nInput=$input" if $input; print "\nKey=$key\n" if $key; print "Captured F1\n" if $key eq 'F1'; print "Captured ESCAPE\n" if $key eq 'ESCAPE'; print "Captured DELETE\n" if $key eq 'DELETE'; print "Captured PAGEDOWN\n" if $key eq 'PAGEDOWN'; DESCRIPTION I needed a ridiculously simple function that behaved exactly like $input= in scripts, that captured user input and and populated a variable with a resulting string. BUT - I also wanted to use other KEYS like F1 and DELETE and the RIGHT ARROW and have them captured and returned. So I really wanted this: my $prompt='PROMPT : '; ($input,$key)=input($prompt); ... where I could test the variable '$key' for the key that was used to terminate the input. That way I could use the arrow keys to scroll a menu for instance. I looked through the CPAN, and could not find something this simple and straight-forward. So I wrote it. Enjoy. NOTE: Backspace is not captured - but used to backspace. DELETE is captured. Also, no Control combinations are captured - just the non-standard keys F1-F12, INSERT, DELETE, ENTER, ESCAPE, HOME, PGDOWN, PGUP, END and the ARROW KEYS. All captured keys listed will terminate user input and return the results - just like you would expect using ENTER with . AUTHOR Brian M. Kelly COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2011 by Brian M. Kelly. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. (