NAME Data::Validate::WithYAML::Plugin::Phone - Plugin to check Phone numbers (basic check) VERSION version 0.05 SYNOPSIS use Data::Validate::WithYAML::Plugin::Phone; my $foo = Data::Validate::WithYAML::Plugin::Phone->check( '+49 123 456789' ); ... # use the plugin via Data::Validate::WithYAML use Data::Validate::WithYAML; my $phone = '+49 123 456789'; my $validator = Data::Validate::WithYAML->new( 'test.yml' ); print "yes" if $validator->check( 'phone', $phone ); test.yml --- step1: phone: plugin: Phone type: required SUBROUTINES check AUTHOR Renee Baecker COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)