package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAddDevInfo; # ABSTRACT: Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAddDevInfo - add info how to contribute to the project use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints qw(enum role_type); use namespace::autoclean; use Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk; use Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory; use Path::Tiny; our $VERSION = '0.02'; # same as Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAnyFromPod with qw( Dist::Zilla::Role::AfterBuild Dist::Zilla::Role::AfterRelease Dist::Zilla::Role::FileMunger Dist::Zilla::Role::FileInjector ); has _file_obj => ( is => 'rw', isa => role_type('Dist::Zilla::Role::File'), ); has phase => ( is => 'ro', isa => enum([qw(build release filemunge)]), default => 'build', ); has before => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', ); has add_contribution_file => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', ); has contribution_file => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; my @candidates = qw/ CONTRIBUTING /; # only for the filemunge phase do we look # in the slurped files if( $self->phase eq 'filemunge' ) { for my $file ( @{ $self->zilla->files } ) { return $file if grep { $file->name eq $_ } @candidates; } } else { # for the other phases we look on disk my $root = path($self->zilla->root); return Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk->new( name => "$_", content => $_->slurp_raw, encoding => 'bytes', ) for grep { -f $_ } map { $root->child($_) } @candidates } if ( $self->add_contribution_file ) { my $file = Dist::Zilla::File::InMemory->new( content => '', name => '', ); $self->add_file( $self->_file_obj( $file ) ); return $file; } }, ); has readme_file => ( is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $self = shift; my @candidates = qw/ README.mkdn README.markdown /; # only for the filemunge phase do we look # in the slurped files if( $self->phase eq 'filemunge' ) { for my $file ( @{ $self->zilla->files } ) { return $file if grep { $file->name eq $_ } @candidates; } } else { # for the other phases we look on disk my $root = path($self->zilla->root); return Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk->new( name => "$_", content => $_->slurp_raw, encoding => 'bytes', ) for grep { -f $_ } map { $root->child($_) } @candidates } $self->log_fatal('README file not found') if !$self->{contributing_file_only}; }, ); sub after_build { my ($self) = @_; $self->add_info if $self->phase eq 'build'; } sub after_release { my ($self) = @_; $self->add_info if $self->phase eq 'release'; } sub munge_files { my $self = shift; $self->add_info if $self->phase eq 'filemunge'; } sub add_info { my $self = shift; my $distname = $self->zilla->name; my $distmeta = $self->zilla->distmeta; my $repository = $distmeta->{resources}->{repository}->{url}; return unless $repository; my ($base_url, $user_name, $repository_name) = ($repository =~ m{^\w+://(.*)/([^\/]+)/(.*?)(\.git|\/|$)}); return unless $repository_name; if ( '.git' ne substr $repository, -4 ) { $repository .= '.git'; } my $info = qq~ # Development The distribution is contained in a Git repository, so simply clone the repository ``` \$ git clone $repository ``` and change into the newly-created directory. ``` \$ cd $distname ``` The project uses [`Dist::Zilla`]( to build the distribution, hence this will need to be installed before continuing: ``` \$ cpanm Dist::Zilla ``` To install the required prequisite packages, run the following set of commands: ``` \$ dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm \$ dzil listdeps --author --missing | cpanm ``` The distribution can be tested like so: ``` \$ dzil test ``` To run the full set of tests (including author and release-process tests), add the `--author` and `--release` options: ``` \$ dzil test --author --release ``` ~; if ( $self->add_contribution_file ) { my $contribution_file = $self->contribution_file; $contribution_file->content( $info ); path( $contribution_file->name )->spew_raw( $contribution_file->encoded_content ) if $self->phase ne 'filemunge'; } my $readme = $self->readme_file; my $content = $readme->encoded_content; if ( !$self->before ) { $content .= "\n\n$info"; } else { my $before = $self->before; $content =~ s{^(\Q$before\E)}{\n$info\n$before}m; } $readme->content($content); # need to write it to disk if we're in a # phase that is not filemunge path( $readme->name )->spew_raw( $readme->encoded_content ) if $self->phase ne 'filemunge'; } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAddDevInfo - Dist::Zilla::Plugin::ReadmeAddDevInfo - add info how to contribute to the project =head1 VERSION version 0.02 =head1 SYNOPSIS # in dist.ini [ReadmeAddDevInfo] phase = release =head1 CONFIG =head2 phase [ReadmeAddDevInfo] phase = release Which Dist::Zilla phase to add the info: C, C or C. For the C and C phases, the README that is on disk will be modified, whereas for the C it's the internal zilla version of the README that will be modified. The default is C. =head2 before [ReadmeAddDevInfo] before = # AUTHOR Where to put the info in. In this example the info is added before the "AUTHOR" section. =head2 add_contribution_file [ReadmeAddDevInfo] add_contribution_file = 1 Also add the info as I. The information from this file is shown in L under the "How to contribute" link. E.g. for this dist: L. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L =head1 AUTHOR Renee Baecker =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) =cut