NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Data::Validate::WithYAML - validate form input with Data::Validate::WithYAML VERSION version 0.05 SYNOPSIS In your startup method: sub startup { my $self = shift; # more Mojolicious stuff $self->plugin( 'Data::Validate::WithYAML', { error_prefix => 'ERROR_', # optional conf_path => '/opt/app/conf', # path to the dir where all the .ymls are (optional) } ); } In your controller: sub register { my $self = shift; # might be (age => 'You are too young', name => 'name is required') # or with error_prefix (ERROR_age => 'You are too young', ERROR_name => 'name is required') my %errors = $self->validate( 'registration' ); if ( %errors ) { $self->stash( %errors ); $self->render; return; } # create new user } Your registration.yml --- age: type: required message: You are too young min: 18 name: type: required message: name is required password: type: required plugin: PasswordPolicy website: type: optional plugin: URL HELPERS validate my %errors = $controller->validate( $yaml_name ); Validates the parameters. Optional parameter is $yaml_name. If $yaml_name is ommitted, the subroutine name (e.g. "register") is used. AUTHOR Renee Baecker COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2013 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)