NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpersI18N - TagHelpers with I18N support VERSION version 0.04 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin('I18N' => { namespace => 'Local::I18N', default => 'de' } ); plugin('TagHelpersI18N'); any '/' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->render( 'default' ); }; any '/no' => sub { shift->render }; app->start; __DATA__ @@ default.html.ep %= select_field 'test' => [qw/hello test/]; @@ no.html.ep %= select_field 'test' => [qw/hello test/], no_translation => 1 DESCRIPTION The TagHelpers in Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers are really nice. Unfortunately, I need to create select fields where the labels are translated. This plugin is the solution for that. HELPER select_field Additionally to the stock select_field helper, you can pass the option no_translation to avoid translated values %= select_field test => [qw(hello one)]; results in and %= select_field test => [qw(hello one)], no_translation => 1; results in in 'hello' => 'Hallo', 'one' => 'eins', With this module you can sort the options: %= select_field test => [qw/one hello/], sort => 1; With translation enabled, the translated labels are sorted. More info about select_field: Mojolicious::Plugin::TagHelpers AUTHOR Renee Baecker COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Renee Baecker. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)