NAME Parse::Snort - Parse and create Snort rules VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Parse::Snort; my $rule = Parse::Snort->new( action => 'alert', proto => 'tcp', src => '$HOME_NET', src_port => 'any', direction => '->' dst =>'$EXTERNAL_NET', dst_port => 'any' ); $rule->action("pass"); $rule->opts( [ 'depth' => 50 ], [ 'offset' => 0 ], [ 'content' => "perl6" ], [ "nocase" ] ); my $rule = Parse::Snort->new(); $rule->parse('pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 6667;'); $rule->msg("IRC server"); my $rule_string = $rule->as_string; ); METHODS The following methods can be used to read or modify parts of a rule. new($rule_string), new($rule_element_ref) This function will create a new "Parse::Snort" object. You may pass nothing, a string containing a properly formatted Snort rule, or a gash reference of rule elements and options. $rule_string $rule_string = 'alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:"perl 6 download detected\; may the world rejoice!";depth:150; offset:0; content:"perl-6.0.0"; nocase;)' $rule_element_hashref $rule_element_hashref = { action => 'alert', proto => 'tcp', src => '$EXTERNAL_NET', src_port => 'any', direction => '->', dst => '$HOME_NET', dst_port => 'any', opts => [ [ 'msg' => ':"perl 6 download detected\; may the world rejoice!"' ], [ 'depth' => 150 ], [ 'offset' => 0 ]. [ 'content' => 'perl-6.0.0' ], [ 'nocase' ], ], }; parse($rule_string) The parse method can be used to parse a snort rule string after new() has been called. The rule object will be populated with the parsed version of $rule_string, overwriting any previously defined values in the object. $rule_object->parse($rule_string); METHODS FOR RULE ELEMENTS The following methods read or modify the various rule elements. action The rule action. Generally one of the following: "alert", "pass", "drop", "sdrop", or "log". proto The protocol of the rule. Generally one of the following: "tcp", "udp", "ip", or "icmp". src The source IP address for the rule. Generally a dotted decimal IP address, Snort $HOME_NET variable, or CIDR block notation. src_port The source port for the rule. Generally a static port, or a contigious range of ports. direction The direction of the rule. One of the following: "-"> "<"> or "<-". dst The destination IP address for the rule. Same format as "src" dst_port The destination port for the rule. Same format as "src" opts($opts_array_ref), opts($opts_string) The opts method can be used to read existing options of a parsed rule, or set them. The method takes two forms of arguments, either an Array of Arrays, or a rule string. $opts_array_ref $opts_array_ref = [ [ 'msg' => ':"perl 6 download detected\; may the world rejoice!"' ], [ 'depth' => 150 ], [ 'offset' => 0 ]. [ 'content' => 'perl-6.0.0' ], [ 'nocase' ], ] $opts_string $opts_string='(msg:"perl 6 download detected\; may the world rejoice!";depth:150; offset:0; content:"perl-6.0.0"; nocase;)'; The parenthesis surround the series of "key:value;" pairs are optional. HELPER METHODS FOR OPTIONS sid, rev, msg, classtype The "sid", "rev", "msg", and "classtype" methods allow direct access to the rule option of the same name my $sid = $rule_obj->sid(); # reads the sid of the rule $rule_obj->sid($sid); # sets the sid of the rule ... etc ... references The "references" method returns an array reference of the references in the rule. Each reference is an array, in [ 'reference_type' => 'reference_value' ] format. To modify references, use the "opts" method. as_string The "as_string" method returns a string that matches the normal Snort rule form of the object. This is what you want to use to write a rule to an output file that will be read by Snort. AUTHOR Richard G Harman Jr, "" BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-parse-snort at", or through the web interface at . I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Parse::Snort You can also look for information at: * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation * CPAN Ratings * RT: CPAN's request tracker * Search CPAN ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS MagNET #perl for putting up with me :) COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2007 Richard Harman, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.