DateTime::Event::Easter 1.00 The DateTime::Event::Easter module returns Easter events for DateTime objects. From a given datetime, it can tell you the previous, the following and the closest Easter event. The 'is' method will tell you if the given DateTime is an Easter Event. Easter Events can be Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday and Easter Sunday. If that's not enough, the module will also accept an offset so you can get the date for Pentecost (49 days after Easter Sunday) by passing 49. For more information, see the POD attached to the file. INSTALLATION: ============= Use CPAN or CPANPLUS - there's no config in the process that requires you to do anything strange. For those of you who like it the manual way, the recipe is the same as normal: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install If you are on a windows box you should use 'nmake' rather than 'make'. This module contains no XS code and thus should install anywhere.