Email::Thread Use JWZ's mail threading algorithm with Email::Simple objects Installation Instructions The instructions are basically as per any Perl module. INSTALLING AUTOMATICALLY ------------------------ The easiest way to install is via CPAN or CPANPLUS: CPAN: % perl -MCPAN -e shell [as root] > install Email::Thread > quit CPANPLUS: % cpanp > i Email::Thread > q See your local 'perldoc CPAN' or 'perldoc CPANPLUS' for instructions on setting up and configuring CPAN or CPANPLUS. OBTAINING THE MODULE -------------------- The latest release version of Email::Thread can be downloaded from any CPAN site: Interim and development versions may also be available from the author's web site: Email::Thread is distributed as a gzipped tar archive file: Email-Thread-.tar.gz where represents the current version number, e.g. 0.68. To install the module, unpack the distribution archive to create an installation directory. Something like this: tar zxf Email-Thread-0.68.tar.gz or gunzip Email-Thread-0.68.tar.gz tar xf Email-Thread-0.68.tar You can then 'cd' into the directory created, cd Email-Thread-0.68 INSTALLING MANUALLY ------------------- First, verify the package's integrity by ensuring you have Module::Signature installed, then type: % cpansign -v That will check each file's integrity, as well as the signature's validity, thus verifying the integrity of the entire package. If "==> Signature verified OK! <==" is not displayed, the distribution may already have been compromised, and you should not run its Makefile.PL. Ideally, you should confirm with a third party that the finger print and key id by which the signature was signed is indeed the key it is meant to be (ideally you'll have an appropriate web of trust set up, but that's not always possible). The 'make install' (done later) will install the modules and scripts on your system. You may need administrator privileges to perform this task. Alternately you can install the module to a local directory (see ExtUtils::MakeMaker for full details), e.g. % perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/home/abw/ Don't forget to update your PERL5LIB environment variable if you do this, or add a line to your script to tell Perl where to find the files, e.g. use lib qw( /home/abw/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0 ); If you're not after a custom location, just do: % perl Makefile.PL If you are lacking any of the prerequisite modules, running that program will tell you. All prerequisites are available from CPAN. When you have them all: % make && make test If there are any failures, it's best if you contact me. It may help other people who have the same problem. I don't tend to read the Perl newsgroups or PerlMonks, so it's no use posting there. When you report your trouble, be sure to send me the following information; + result of `perl -V' + output from 'make test' - ideally do 'make test TEST_VERBOSE=1 >& errs' Send those to and I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able. If it worked, then become root and type: # make install Congratulations. You've just installed Email::Thread. If you have a copy of cpantest installed, type: % cpantest -g pass -nc -p `basename \`pwd\`` -auto Or: % cpantest -g pass -nc -p Email-Thread-0.68 -auto That will tell both me and other potential users that the module built correctly on your machine. cheers, Iain (aka Spoon).