Devel::Coverage 0.1 (alpha 1) WHAT IS IT? Devel::Coverperl is a coverage analysis tool for Perl code. It is inspired by several factors, most notable my personal high consideration for PureAtria's PureCoverage tool (PureAtria and PureCoverage are copyrights of PureaAtria, Inc.) and my frustration at finding bugs in my code that were hidden in blocks that were never reached in test cases. That's what a coverage analysis tool does-- it shows you what parts of your code were and were not reached over the course of one or more runs. WHAT DOES IT DO? Devel::Coverage is activated by the -d flag, just as tools like Devel::DProf do. With Perl in debugging mode, Devel::Coverage is able to take note of subroutine entry, lines reached, and each source code file as it is compiled. Counts of this data are collected, and at the end a total instrumentation data structure is created, merged with existing data, and written to a save file. The data gathered includes: Directories that had files instrumented All files that were instrumented Total number of runs done so far For each of the files, there is: A list of the subroutines in this file, each with a count of hits A list of the 'breakable' (executable) lines, with hit counts Total number of lines Modification time The modification time allows Devel::Coverage to discard stale instrumentation data for a file. If a file is changed between instrumentation runs, then the data from previous runs cannot be reliably compared to the new data (particularly when the change adds or deletes functions or lines). There is a *very* simple data output tool called coverperl included in the distribution. Future work includes much enhancement to this tool to make it into a useful utility. For now, you can at least look at the (fairly) raw data with it. What this package does *not* do is profiling. Profiling and coverage analysis are two different things, and the Devel::DProf package handles the former task very well. Devel::Coverage will show you where your test are not reaching; Devel::DProf will tell you which subroutines are eating the most time. INSTALLATION The package should be uncompressed using the GNU zip utility. Once done and you have cd'd down to the directory: gzcat Devel-Coverage-0.1.tar.gz | tar xf - cd Devel/Coverage you will need to create the Makefile and verify that your package is complete: perl Makefile.PL This will verify the package contents against the manifest and create the file Makefile. It will also do some simple configuration checking and create a file called "" in the Coverage directory. Now all that needs to be done is: make #make test # There are not any tests, yet make install # Assuming all tests were passed An important note here: this extension uses persistent data storage for collecting instrumentation data from multiple runs. At present, you will need one (or both) of the Storable or Data::Dumper extensions. In the future, I plan to include support for simpler methods available in the Perl core (most likely based on the DBM variants), and possibly offer automatic CPAN installation of missing modules. For now, you will need to take it upon yourself to have at least one of those two available. If you don't, MakeMaker will tell you :-). CAVEATS This is about as alpha as code can be without me fearing my reputation over its release. There are bound to be bugs, oh boy are there. And the only way to view the data is a super-simplistic format from coverperl. But I *am* working on better data analysis tools. I just wanted some early feedback on the core functionality here. See the ToDo file for more detail. EXAMPLES Most simple: perl -d:Coverage script_name arg1 arg2 ... Data written to script_name.cvp. View it by: coverperl script_name.cvp Another example; create a file .coverperl in your home directory with the single line "file coverage". Run several scripts, either multiple runs of the same script with different arguments, or different scripts entirely. All data goes to the file coverage.cvp, which can be view with coverperl as per above. There are more things that can be added to .coverperl, but it isn't documented yet. PROBLEMS/BUG REPORTS Please send any reports of problems or bugs to I wouldn't mind a short note to know that you're using this, just so I can justify its continued development :-). CREDITS AND LICENSES This package is copyright (c) 1997 by Randy Ray ( and may be distributed under terms of the Artistic License used to cover Perl itself. See the file Artistic in the distribution of Perl 5.002 or later for details of copy and distribution terms. All rights reserved.