WebService::ISBNDB - Access to the isbndb.com API Version: 0.12 WHAT IS IT This is a module to provide programmatic access to the database of book and author information hosted by isbndb.com (see http://isbndb.com). To access the API provided by the site, you will have to register a user account and create an access key. BUILDING/INSTALLING This package is set up to configure and build like a typical Perl extension. To build: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test If WebService::ISBNDB passes all tests, then: ./Build install You may need super-user access to install. PROBLEMS/BUG REPORTS Please send any reports of problems or bugs to rjray@blackperl.com CHANGES This change renames the package from Net-ISBNDB to WebService-ISBNDB. Moved the lib/Net directory to lib/WebService. lib/WebService/ISBNDB/API.pm:: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/API/Authors.pm: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/API/Books.pm: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/API/Categories.pm: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/API/Publishers.pm: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/API/Subjects.pm: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/Agent.pm: lib/WebService/ISBNDB/Agent/REST.pm: MANIFEST: Changed all file-references and class-references from Net to WebService. t/00_load.t: Changed all file-references and class-references from Net to WebService. Build.PL: MANIFEST: MANIFEST.SKIP: Makefile.PL: Changed the build control from ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Module::Build. Put in a compatibility layer for EU::MM.