Installing QuikWiki ------------------- QuikWiki is a simple Wiki that provides, in addition to editing, saving, and browsing Wiki pages, inline JPEG and GIF image display, version control for edited pages, and embedded Perl scripts. Requirements. Apache with mod_perl. QuikWiki is untested with other HTTP servers, but I've attempted to keep the code close to plain HTTP and CGI, so it should work with other Web servers that can run Perl CGI scripts, although it's untested. Perl. Also pod2html, if you want to view the view the manual on-line. Pod2html is part of the Perl source code distribution. If you don't have pod2html, consult with your system administrator. RCS, optionally, if you want QuikWiki to keep track of revisions. If you don't have RCS, or you don't want to use it to keep track of page revisions, QuikWiki will make copies of edited pages by adding a ".bak" extension. Quick Install [If the quick install doesn't work for some reason, which is entirely possible depending on your Web server configuration, go to the "Manual Install" section, below.] 1. Unpack the tar file in the htdocs directory, your ~/public_html directory, or the directory named by the "DocumentRoot" directive in httpd.conf. QuikWiki should also work in any server-accessible directory that has "Options ExecCGI" enabled in httpd.conf. If upgrading, make sure to have a backup of the current installation. 2. Change to the quikwiki directory and run the configuration script. Configure will ask if you want to create a directory to contain old revisions of pages, and the user ID for the QuikWiki files and directories. If you're installing quikwiki in , you'll need to have write permissions there e.g., you're the administrator). # cd quickwiki- # perl configure That's it! (Or, that should it.) Browse to the HomePage by typing, in your Web browser, http:///quikwiki/quikwiki.cgi Or, alternately, http:///quikwiki/ Or, if you installed QuikWiki in your public_html directory, http:///~/quikwiki/quikwiki.cgi Substituting the actual network address of the server for , and your actual user name for . If you don't see a Revision number or Last Modified date/time in the page footer, edit and then save the page to create the RCS repository. To view QuikWiki's Perl Online Documentation, browse to: http:///quikwiki/quikwiki.cgi?doc Manual Install 1. Unpack the tar file in the htdocs directory, or the directory named by the "DocumentRoot" directive in the httpd.conf file. QuikWiki should also work in your ~/public_html directory if "Options ExecCGI" in httpd.conf is enabled for the directory. 2. Make quikwiki.cgi executable with the shell command: chmod +x quikwiki/quikwiki.cgi 3. (Optional) If you want to use RCS to manage revisions, create a quikwiki/RCS subdirectory. mkdir quikwiki/RCS 4. You can omit the script name if "DirectoryIndex index.cgi" is in the httpd.conf file. You'll need to symlink quikwiki.cgi to index.cgi: cd quikwiki- ln -s quikwiki.cgi index.cgi 5. Make sure that Apache can read and write the files. The directories and files need to be owned by the same user as the HTTPD server process, or the owner of ~/public_html. The example uses "apache," but you should use the user name in the "User" http.conf directive if installing system-wide. cd .. chown -R apache quikwiki Or even better, make the files and directories group-writable. Licensing Quikwiki is free software. You can modify and distribute quikwiki by using the same licensing terms as Perl itself. Consult the file "Artistic" for details. Questions, bug reports, and suggestions should be sent to the author, .